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Bradford and Nolan stumble upon a firefight in a cemetery. The war has begun between La Fiera and Cesar Madrigal and several of their men end up dead.

Sgt. Grey asks Lopez to try to talk La Fiera down. La Fiera says she knows they had a wiretap on Señor Madrigal’s hospital room and that they recorded him making a deal to leave her in control. Unfortunately, he died before he could relay that to his Lieutenants.

La Fiera wants Lopez to get her a copy of that recording so that she can use it as proof of the deal and that will stop the war with Cesar.

The DEA steps in and takes the wiretap recording. They decide to give it to La Fiera but first they install malware. They have Lopez to deliver it, and once the malware goes through all of La Fiera’s systems, they’ll have all of the information on her operations.

La Fiera opens the audio recording on an air-gap computer so that it doesn’t connect to the rest of her network, therefore getting the recording she wants and thwarting the DEA.

La Fiera promises Angela she won’t kill Cesar, but she sends a hit squad after his girlfriend and baby. Officers Bradford and Nolan are already at the scene and manage to thwart the attack.

With the chaos of the new drug war, the LAPD needs new undercover officers quickly. Officer Chen is offered the opportunity to play the role of the chemist again, but this time it will be for a long-term operation and not just a sting.

Harper puts Chen through several grueling tests to make sure she is ready for undercover work, including abducting her and making her think Harper is going to be set on fire if Chen doesn’t admit they are cops. Lucy passes all the tests and is ready to be sent into the field.

Bradford tracks down everyone who has yet to RSVP for Lopez’s wedding, or wants to bring more people than they are allowed. Nolan steps in and helps, much to Bradford’s chagrin.

Bradford agrees to help Nolan in his quest to become a training officer.

The Rookie
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The Rookie Season 3 Episode 13 Quotes

Nolan: Any advice?
Bradford: Think how hard it is doing this job. Now, think about doing it while babysitting an armed toddler.

It’s not about letting me down, Officer Chen. There is no failure in finding yourself unprepared for a job you didn’t prepare for.

Sgt. Grey