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The episode opens with Nolan and Chen responding to a structure fire. Without permission, they go into the house looking for victims. During this, they find one victim and drag him from the wreckage.

Bailey gets upset with Nolan and Chen for going into the wreckage before they arrived as "they do not know what they are breathing in."

Nolan asks Bailey if she thinks the fire was arson and says yes because she could smell the accelerant. They found a male body in the wreckage, and they say it is a suspect before he is a victim.

Lopez debates extending her maternity leave. Then, she goes into a spiral to Wesley, saying how she will not fulfill her "mom potential." Meanwhile, Wesley has Elijah waiting in his office for him.

Grey suggests that Bradford pull Chen for help on Sargent duties, his "gopher." Instead, he chooses Webb. This leaves Nolan and Chen confused and frustrated.

Nolan and Chen go to the hospital to interrogate the body they pulled from the wreckage. Bradford regrets his choice of having Webb as his partner.

The man reveals that he had been squatting in the house before the fire. He says he heard two voices before the fire began and hid so they wouldn't see him. One of them was yelling, the other crying.

Once Wesley arrives at his office -- it's revealed that Elijah insisted on waiting in his office.

Thorsen finds himself constantly under pressure from Harper because of his matters. For example, while taking a call in the patrol car, Harper falsifies a story of a man in a trenchcoat carrying weapons as well as missing officers popping up.

It turns out, Harper and Thorsen are the missing officers.

While the team stops for coffee, a sniper strikes a nearby car. Bradford chases after a nearby suspect is spotted, and the team follows.

Eventually, the suspect gets away on a zipline, and the team believes he has elite training due to this secondary exit. However, Grey wonders why the team didn't go after him and instead let him get away.

They are interrupted by a call notifying them they have found an ID on the arson victim from earlier. Chen and Nolan work on the arson case while Thorsen and Harper are assigned the sniper.

Chen and Nolan interview the victim's wife, Celia. They reveal that the house he was in is where people go to use drugs. Celia refuses to believe her husband relapsed.

Harper and Thorsen go to the morgue. It is confirmed that the shooter has a military background due to the ammunition found in the body.  In contrast, the mortician also reveals that the body they found in the fire was already dead before it started.

Thorsen gives Harper a fancy dinner reservation in a trade that she will no longer torment him on the job. She invites James to go with her on the date.

James doesn't respond to her invite, in which Harper wants to go alone. Thorsen offers to come with her, though she refuses and ends up inviting the other man she's seeing.

This ends up biting Harper in the butt as both dates show up at the restaurant simultaneously.

Meanwhile, Lopez and Wesley are going on a date night with Nolan and Bailey as babysitters. Unfortunately, Elijah crashes the date night, showing a video feed of Jack's hacked baby monitor to threaten Wesley.

The team finds out the shooting victim had a falling out with Elijah; it's problematic since Wesley is working closely with Elijah.

Once again, Chen is not chosen by Bradford to be his "Gopher" and instead chooses Schmitty.

Thorsen and Harper chat about what happened to her at the restaurant before resuming duties. Harper reveals she feels guilty for what she did to James.

Nolan and Chen investigate the shooting further by showing up at a potential suspect's house. They ask his alibi, and although offended, he cooperates and asks if this has to do with his military background.

To prove his alibi, the suspect enters back into his house to grab a receipt that would prove where he was during the sniping. He shows the receipt although, he comes out with a hand in his pocket.

The suspect reveals that he is holding a grenade. After a long, tense conversation, Nolan charges him to keep the grenade from denoting. Once Nolan is holding the grenade, Chen subdues the suspect with a taser to render him unconscious.

After Elijah threatens Wesley at the restaurant, he feels as if he has power over him. So he shows up at the office once more and forces Wesley to defend the suspect that Nolan and Chen just detained.

Wesley slides a letter across the table to his new client thinking that Elijah wrote it for him, only for it to be for Wesley himself. Instead, it's revealed that Wesley has passed one of Elijah's tests.

James shows up at the station, thanks to Thorsen. He wants to fix the situation after walking out on Harper at the restaurant, the two end up talking their issues out.

Lopez discusses the murder with Nolan and Bailey again -- she has done the research, and it turns out the team may have a serial killer on their hands.


The Rookie
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The Rookie Season 4 Episode 3 Quotes

Thorsen: Is that your boyfriend?
Harper: I was wondering if I gave off any signals for you to ask me a personal question.

I still smell like fire after a 30-minute shower!
