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Angela calls Thorsen from home on maternity oleave for assistance on a case and Wesley catches her.

They land a case with Frank, a man who just got out of prison, who is re-establishing leadership of his crime gang and is into arms of illegal guns.

Lucy is going undercover to pose as the buyer.

Celina is back and feels much lighter after solving her sister's murder.

Nyla tells Nolan and Celina that the case she took for Randy has led to the discvery of a limb.

Lucy starts her first day at a bank for her undercover job.

They are on a hunt for the missing limb to the dead man and more limbs keep popping up that aren't related.

Thorsen is on a quest for DNA evidence by searching through trash for Angela.

On the fourth day, Frank finally approaches Lucy and blackmails her into working with him according to plan.

Celina's online dating isn't going well but she connects with a guy when his dog finds another limb they need.

Aaron gets DNA evidence to close Angela's case and wants another one so she helps out and gives him more work even though Wesley is annoyed.

Lucy is out at the date after meeting with the gang to talk over everything but someone does a drive by at the restaurant their at and sprays the place with bullets. Lucy ends up having to run with Frank while Tim must pursue the shooter into an alley where the guy almost gets the jump on him.

Tim checks in with Lucy and they're both shaken up about it and steal a moment before he returns to the station.

The dog owner shows up at the station to ask Celina out, and she has a date lined up.

Nyla interviews the two men who are friends with Trip, the corpose with the missing limbs.

To help with another case, Aaron ends up using his poularity on a social media app to help an up and coming influencer get more popular via a dance challenge. Grey catches him.

Frank shows up at Lucy's job and makes her come with him so he can take a shot at the person who shot at them and wants her to play lookout as he takes them down.

The cops come to prevent Frank from killing his old employee Frank.

Smitty and Thorsen find a body in the trunk of the car th influencer gave him a lead to it and they find another body in the auto shop, likely the killer.

Nolan and Celina find video evidence of the two friends accidentally blowing Trip's head off.

Lucy managed to earn Frank's trust and he opens up to her about his daughter he fell out of contact with who is in Ohio.

One fo the guys is about to cause an issue at the hospital when he pulls out his weapon when Nolan, Celina, and Harper get there, but Angela takes him down because she's there for an appointment.

Simone shows up because their case becomes federal when they found a severed limb in Arizona with the same mysterious tool.

Tim and Lucy have a vulnerable conversatoin about him leavinng out that he almost got shot and him comparing her to Isabel and choosing when to pull the plug.

Celina goes on her date.





The Rookie
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The Rookie Season 5 Episode 21 Quotes

Lucy: You ever wish you had a normal job?
Tim: One where people don't shoot at you? Not once.
Lucy: Yeah, me neither.

I wasn't looking. That's when love shows up.
