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The episode kicks off with Eleanor delivering presents to those in need under her pseudonym "Robin Hood."

During one of her missions, she gets a scratch which prompts Jasper to become worried and tell her that she needs to stop because it's too dangerous. Eleanor doesn't like being told what to do but she's turned on by angry Jasper so their fight eventually lands them in bed. 

Willow and Robert gear up to make their first public appearance as an engaged couple at an exhibit honoring the former King Simon. 

Queen Helena tries to steer her in the right direction by giving her a carefully crafted "engagement story," but Willow questions why she can't just tell the truth. 

"The people don't want the truth," the current Queen tells her but alas, when they have their sit down with the press, Willow disregards the Queen's advice and tells the real story of how she's just commoner who fell in love. 

She's surprised to find out that the public actually doesn't respond to a relatable love story. 

The comments on social media start pouring in calling her a "gold digger" among other things. 

She turns to the Queen for help navigating since she clearly messed up, but Queen Helena washes her hands of it. 

During the exhibit, the press attacks Willow like leeches and she's evidently overwhelmed by it all. 

Disregarding the Queen's advice, Liam takes the attention away from the King and future Queen by announcing that he's actually dating Katherine the "girl who once won a date with King Robert."

Willow is grateful, Helena is proud, but Robert is bothered by his brother stealing the spotlight. 

During the event, Robert secretly approaches Katherine, tells her that he can't get her off of his mind and propositions her with an offer to meet up later which she simply cannot refuse. 

She shows up at his room at promptly 9:30 pm and tells him she wants him. Of course, it was all a set-up and Liam is standing in the doorway shocked and disappointed by his girlfriend's deceit. 

Meanwhile, Eleanor realizes that she gave away her late father's favorite gold pen which he used to sign important documents and treaties. Queen Helena was going to showcase it in the exhibit and is at her wits' end when she cannot find it. 

She enlists Jasper on a mission and before the knighting ceremony, they break into the house.

They successfully find it, but before they can get out of there, the couple comes home and their stuck hiding in a cupboard under the stairs. Quite possibly the same one Harry Potter used to live in. 

Jasper tells Eleanor that he doesn't care if they miss the ceremony because he's a fraud; he didn't take a bullet for the King, his father deliberately shot at him.

However, Eleanor disagrees because she thinks he's a hero. Then, she emerges from the cupboard and apologizes to the shocked couple. 

In exchange for the gold pen, Jasper gives the man a Rolex. He tells her that it felt good giving someone in need a gift and encourages her to continue Robin Hood's missions. 

At the ceremony, Jasper is knighted while Eleanor looks on proudly. 

The Royals
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