Shocked Gomez - The Time Traveler's Wife
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Henry visits Clare's apartment and meets her roommates.

Gomez dislikes Henry.

Henry says he can fix their cooking expedient into dinner.

Charisse demands to know how long he and Clare have dated.

Naked 41-year-old Henry arrives.

It's Clare's 18th birthday, and she made Henry wear a suit. He's uncomfortable with her growing up and her banter.

She's grieving, saying goodbye to the clearing and him. She wanted him to be her first.

He pushes a hair out of her kiss, and they kiss.

We jump a year and see Gomez and Clare sleeping together behind Charisse's back.

Gomez tries to make small talk. Clare feels so guilty and feels like it was the worst mistake ever.

She tells him about Henry and that she loves him more than anyone. Gomez demands to know where he is.

Claire says he'll be back in a year. She's upset and runs out.

Gomez sees another Henry fighting with Ingrid and confronts him.

Later, Charisse and Clare discuss Gomez.

Back at the clearing, Clare insists she's done waiting. She wants him to propose for real. They make love there.

Naked Henry arrives at Clare's apartment. It's his first visit there, so there are no clothes for him. Clare flirts with him.

At the dinner party, everyone must tell the truth.

Ingrid arrives, introducing herself as Henry's girlfriend. She inquires what Clare knows about her.

Gomez is sure he's met Ingrid before.

Gomez and Charisse think older Henry is the dad, so Henry tries to explain time travel.

Gomez and Charisse think Henry should use time travel to stop crimes.

Ingrid and Clare go at it. Ingrid asks Henry if she's dead in the future, and we see cuts on her arms. They hug goodbye.

He disappears and leaves a blanket behind.


The Time Traveler's Wife
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The Time Traveler's Wife Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

How do you think my wife who I left in bed is going to feel about me sitting on a blanket with an 18-year-old version of herself?


Guess who’s coming to dinner?

41-year-old Henry