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Margaret, DoB invites Henry and Lizzie to her court so that they may meet "Prince Richard," Henry instead sends Maggie and her husband, even though Maggie never met her cousin. Her visit is merely a pretense; with Teddy in the Tower and her son in the royal nursery, Lizzie warns her to not speak a word of doubt to anybody else. Despite never meeting Richard, Maggie does have doubts that he is a pretender, mainly because Duchess Cecily is so thoroughly convinced that it is him that she does not want him to marry a noble woman or attempt to reclaim the throne. Lizzie proposes ennobling her son, Harry, when Duchess Margaret begins referring to The Boy as the Duke of York, the traditional title of the second son. Elizabeth convinces Lizzie that she is dying and that she wishes to spend her remaining days with her daughter, but she disrupts the celebatory dinner proclaiming that her son Richard lives and that he shall unseat Henry. Before she is sent back to the Abbey, she speaks to Lady Margaret, and convinces her that she did in fact help Richard to escape the Tower. While Lady Margaret struggles with her guilt, Jasper finds her in the chapel and deduces that she was the one behind Prince Edward's murder. He is insistent that Henry be told, but she convinces him to wait. When he falls ill and attempts to speak to Henry, she goes to visit him instead and, after confessing her life long love for him, smothers him with a pillow in order to keep her secret. 

The White Princess
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The White Princess Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

But there is fear in your eyes. What will you say to God when you see him? How will you explain all that blood on your hands?

Elizabeth [to Lady Margaret]

Lady Margaret: I am selfless. My only interest is the word of God.
Lord Stanley: How fortunate His will is so often in tune with yours.