Dara At Cintra - The Witcher Season 2 Episode 6
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Geralt tries to get Ciri to a new haven at Nenneke's but they run into more monsters.

Triss tells Vesemir that Ciri could destroy the world. Vesemir senses a danger and Rience appears and attacks them. He takes the mutagen.

Roach is fatally wounded and Geralt puts him down. With Ciri acting as bait, Geralt manages to defeat the chernobog.

The Witcher emblem: the hand with a flame.

In Cintra, Francesca and Fringilla talk. Cahir comes by. Dara observes in the background.

Geralt and Ciri get to Nenneke's temple school. Ciri makes friends with Jarre. Nenneke warns Geralt that protecting Ciri is a lost cause.

Francesca and Filavandrel prepare for their child's birth.

Triss reports that Vesemir is stable. She realizes Rience got the mutagen.

Rience meets with Lydia. She wants the mutagen. He wants to meet her employer. She offers to provide backup for his foray into the temple.

Istredd goes to Codringher and Fenn to find out about the connection between Ciri and monoliths.

Jarre equips Ciri with an orbuculum. 

Yennefer arrives at Nenneke's. She and Geralt reunite. Ciri meets Yennefer.

Hake and Cahir watch the elven forces practice their fighting skills. Cahir challenges Dara. Filavandrel steps in when it gets bad but then he's called away when Francesca goes into labor.

Ciri gets to know Yennefer over dinner.

Francesca's baby needs Fringilla to bring her around. It's a girl.

Ciri and Nenneke light candles together.

Fringilla and Cahir talk as the elves celebrate the birth of the new elf. Cahir informs her that the White Flame will be there soon.

Geralt and Yennefer talk and reminisce. Geralt wants to know why she's come to the temple school.

Istredd asks about a gene in the Cintran royal line. Fenn realizes that the history books document the elves building a weapon but the translation is wrong. In fact, they built a warrior.

Dara reports to Dijkstra that the Nilfgaardians are after Ciri.

Ciri finds Jarre dying. Rience and his goons attack her. Geralt and Yennefer arrive. Geralt fights them off and Yennefer runs with Ciri. Yennefer taps into Ciri's power to open a portal. When Geralt calls out for her to stop, Yennefer is sorry that she can't. Yennefer and Ciri arrive in a small room.

Triss visits Vesemir in his recovery and reports that the mutagen was stolen. Triss leaves.

Fenn and Codringher figure out the weapon in the Cintran bloodline. Ciri.

Triss returns to Tissaia at Aretuza and reports on Ciri's dangerous ability.

The Witcher
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The Witcher Season 2 Episode 6 Quotes

Fenn: It's probably pure coincidence that Emhyr wants the princess with the secret power to shatter monoliths for her claim to a throne that he already took by force.
Codringher: You know, Fenn, I've been thinking. How could we get answers faster? More sarcasm.

I know for a fact a drop of her blood could change the world. In the wrong hands, she will destroy it.
