Kevin Meets Sylvester Stallone - This Is Us
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Jack continued to make his road to recovery a priority on This Is Us Season 2 Episode 3. 

As Jack begins to open up during his AA meetings, he realizes that he's having a harder time opening up to Rebecca. 

Rebecca also notices and worries about her strained relationship with Jack considering the two barely even talk. 

She turns to Shelly, Miguel's ex-wife for advice and Shelly tells her to get intimate with Jack again. In her experience, no-sex was the beginning of the end of her and Miguel's relationship. 

Rebecca decides to give it a try and recreates her their first date at a drive-in movie but when Jack realizes what she's doing, he recommends they "take it slow."

Eventually, he opens up to her about the highs and lows of dealing with the addiction they spend half the night talking and reconnecting.

In the present day, Randall is freaking out that's it's been 3 weeks since they were approved to foster and no one has reached out.

Almost immediately after he voices his concerns, they get a call that their foster will be a 12-year-old girl named Deja.

Randall hypes up the whole family about Deja's arrival but when the excitement of meeting the new family isn't reciprocated he realizes he was in over his head. 

Deja comes from a broken home and they aren't used to dealing with such issues. 

When Beth finds a pack of cigarettes, her motherly instinct kicks in but Deja gets upset that someone went through her stuff. 

When Randall tries to diffuse the situation, her reaction is to cower in fear, revealing that she is from an abusive home. 

Randall decides to tell her about his adoption and she begins to open up to the idea of having a second chance. 

That is until they break the news that her mother isn't actually be coming back for her because she's going to jail. 

Meanwhile, Kevin is shooting his new war movie and brings Kate on set for his first day.

She's starstruck by Sylvester Stallone and thanks him for being her father's favorite actor. 

When Stallone brings up Jack to Kevin right before a scene, he completely shuts down forgetting his lines multiple times and then blames Kate, who tells him he has to finally allow himself to mourn their father's death. 

This Is Us
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This Is Us Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

In my experience Kevin, there is no such thing as a long time ago. There's only memories that mean something and memories that don't.

Sylvester Stallone

I don't need to walk around and be sad and damaged just cause you are.
