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Agent Neville wants to send back Rufus and Lucy, along with new tactical officer Lt. Caleb Sullivan, to kill Flynn's mother in 1963 Houston. Cahill begs Lucy to go on the mission, and promises that the next mission will be to save her sister Amy. Rufus tranquilizes Sullivan and then they take over the Lifeboat and flee. Mason sends away Jiya, and tries to find them himself. Rufus and Lucy go back to the present and pick up Wyatt, who's hiding in a warehouse with Christopher. Wyatt suggests they go find Amy. Flynn meets Al Capone in 1931 Chicago, offering him the government's evidence against him: tax ledgers and a letter from his accountant. Now the trio has to decide between saving Amy or fighting Flynn in 1931. Rufus calls Jiya and asks her to run interference for them. Neville finds Jiya's burner cell, and detains her. Without the evidence against him, Capone goes free. The trio recruits Ness to help them catch Capone and Flynn. Mason and Neville pressure Jiya. Ness gets killed by one of Capone's henchmen. Wyatt hot-wires a car for their escape. Lucy next recruits Al Capone's brother James, a Prohibition enforcement officer who goes by Richard Hart. Flynn interrogates Wiliam Hale Thompson, the mayor of Chicago, who is also a member of Rittenhouse. He finds out the next meeting of the heads of Rittenhouse will be in 1954. James takes them to see Capone. Jiya rigs up a workstation where she's being held and shuts down Mason Industries. Flynn asked Capone to take out Rufus. After a tense standoff, James kills Al Capone after Al wounds Rufus. Mason demands access to the NSA data farm from Cahill. The trio drives back to the LIfeboat and Rufus passes out as it's firing up. 

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Timeless Season 1 Episode 15 Quotes

Rufus thinks he's smarter than me. Well, I'll handle this myself.


I guess this is what North Korea's like.

Jiya [to Rufus]