The OG Titans
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Five years ago.

Tensions flare up in Titans Tower when everyone celebrates a victory. 

However, things took a turn when Garth arrived to talk to Donna. He wanted to get close to her, but she struggled to understand him. 

They went on a date, but things didn't really work out. 

Donna then decided that she was leaving the team and returning to Amazonia, but was it too late for her?

That's what she thought. 

Things took a turn when Deathstroke showed up and shot Garth after he said he loved her, leading to an explosive confrontation. 

Deathstroke tried to kill Donna and her handler. 

Donna returned to the team and said she was not going anywhere and that she was part of the team for good. 

Dick grew closer to Dawn and things took a turn when Hank started to get jealous of their pairing. 

Dick also dressed up in his Robin costume becaue he was getting back into the swing of things. 

The episode concluded with the team mourning the loss of one of their own. 

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Titans Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Themyscira: Six months ago, you begged me to stay in San Francisco, insisting you deserve time to explore independence from Diana with your indie rock group of vigilante friends and now you wanna go home?
Donna: I was procrastinating. As a young girl, the idea of becoming a warrior, I couldn't wait. But now that the time has come to actually become it...
Themyscira: We wage the great battles and scars. That seems daunting.
Donna: Yeah. This is my destiny. And I'm ready.

Themyscira: This is about Garth. Next time don't waste so much energy deflecting. Atlantians are highly skilled warriors and troublemakers. Clearly Garth's been blessed with other noble attributes.
Donna: So, you've been following me?
Themyscira: Surely you don't think I let you run around with your friends without keeping tabs. By the way, the next time you need a good birthday cake, I recommend Tartine on the mission. They have a divine deux cross.
Donna: Hmm, since you know everything, I'll just shut up.
Themyscira: Quite the contrary. You asked for more time here, I granted it. You still have six months left. Whether you want to use it or not, that's your choice.
Donna: Sometimes it's not.