Citizenship Test Transplant
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Bash has a nightmare about taking his Canadian citizenship test.

He starts his dual residency in Trauma OR and Emerg today.

He quickly gets in trouble with Dr. Olsen for showing initiative as June's resident.

Mags and Fisher get into it over Fisher owning stock in the ICD company.

Dr. Devi attempts to sell the Emerg staff on her patient-centric approach.

Two patients, Nick and Diana, are brought into the Trauma OR after a skydiving accident.

Syphilis is causing Diana's fever. She and Nick are in an open relationship and have one other partner each.

Mags starts treating Damian, a food delivery person who fell and hit his head, which made her late for her study presentation with Fisher.

Imaging shows Damian has a mass behind his ear.

Theo's visit with his daughters goes badly as Grace wants to go home back. He's afraid she senses there's something off about him.

Bash sees a spot on Nick's ankle that might be an infection. But June tells him to sit tight and wait for the MRI results.

June gets a call and rushes out.

Mags removes a cockroach from Damian's ear and tells him that bug bites caused his swelling and hives.

Tommy comes in with an infection of a swastika tattoo removal gone wrong. Theo volunteers to take him.

Amira gives Bash a checked flannel shirt to wear to the citizenship test.

Nick's MRI confirms an infection.

Theo informs Tommy he gave himself a third-degree burn with the home tattoo-removal kit.

Roberta tweeted about her experience with Theo, which gets him a meeting with Devi.

Diana admits to cheating on Nick six months ago and undiagnosed syphilis could be causing the swelling in her brain.

Surgeons refuse to do a skin graft on Tommy.

Bash takes his citizenship test.

After Roberta posts Theo's text, Devi informs him she needs to sign off on all his decisions.

Mags collapses in Fisher's office.

Diana fills in Nick on her affair.

Mags suffered a massive arrhythmia.

Bash passed his test.
















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Transplant Season 3 Episode 4 Quotes

Nick: We met a year ago today. Skydiving. One of those singles excurisons.
Diana: Talking about falling into a relationship.

June: Bash. What the hell was that?
Bash: Instinct?

  • Permalink: Instinct?
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