Wayward Pines Season 2 Episode 2
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The cameras show the abbies flinging themselves at the wall, making a pile that other abbies can climb. A couple jump over and Kerry gets hurt. 

Jason tells his guys to find Theo, and they rescue him from the abbies. 

Theo refuses to operate on Kerry until they bring him  his wife and give him answers. Jason complies, but Theo doesn't believe the truth. Rebecca tells him to save Kerry.

Rebecca takes Theo home and tells him they get rations on Tuesdays. She tells him she's been there three years. 

They planted food outside the wall. CJ Mitchum says it's time to harvest, despite the abbies. 

Arlene introduces herself to Theo as his receptionist. She tells him what he saw before was her getting a "tune up."

Theresa comes to talk to Rebecca about Ben. She knows Jason put him outside the fence.

CJ goes over the plan to get to the food outside the wall. Ben tries to follow the trucks back in, but doesn't make it. He speaks to the camera and tells everyone that Jason left him outside the fence. 

Ben gets attacked by abbies. 

Jason doesn't see any abbies on the cameras. He declares them gone. 




Wayward Pines
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Wayward Pines Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

I want to know where we really are. I want to know what that fence is about. I want to know what those things are outside that fence, and I want to know how an underage cretin gets to be in charge of all this.


I was getting a little tune up. I have to get them every once in awhile, it helps even me out. But then, I'm good to go, like now I'm just cooking with gas.
