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Hickam is taking a photograph of the Hope Valley Town Council.

They haven't gotten together since Carson left. Lee, Hickam, Bill, ned, Elizabeth, and Henry are on the council, leaving one seat open.

Hickam holds a meeting, and despite the rain, townsfolks are eager to listen. He's introducing the celebration of four holidays for the week. Elizabeth's Thanksgiving, Ned's Hanuakkah, Rosemary and Lee's Halloween, and Mei's Valentine's Day. An unofficial holiday will be Bill's April Fool's.

They constitute Hope Valley Days.

Elizabeth asks her students what Thanksgiving means to them.

Rosemary and Lee are Mark Atony and Cleopatra. Lee opened a letter from someone who works for William Randolph Hurst. She's dramatically excited about the letter, the costume, and Lee's hand trying to dip continuously into the candy bowl.

Lee wonders about Lee writing something nice about Meior Hickam. She gets a maybe.

With Mei's holiday, she's trying convince people that there are many different kinds of love and affection, not only romantic.

Faith wants to buy an X-Ray machine, but the city is no longer supporting the infirmary since she hung her own shingle.

Abigail is willing to sell her portion of the cafe to them, but only them. They just need to get a loan from the Buxton Bank.

An angry man enters Bill's office. It seems to be Mei's husband. Due to his temperment, Bill shows him the door. The guy closes it in Bill's face, and it seems Bill clocks him since the guy is later in a wheelbarrow.

Lucas walks Elizabeth home, envious of her passion for her work. His dream was always to live in one town in one home, where his family could get to know everyone and they could get to know them.

Gustaf tells Lucas he's leaving.

Henry says that things didn't go how they planned. She's going to ask if the investors will go ahead without Henry on the payroll. Lucas hopes Henry hasn't overplayed his hand.

Jeffrey Lewis has no arrest warrants, but there are three for Mei Su. Mei's charges are larceny, forgery, and spousal abandonment.

Elizabeth finds her former student, Anna, working at the cafe, but she's very down.

Elizabeth is there to get some buttermilk busquits.

Elizabeth and Minnie talk about the cafe. Abigail had called Elizabeth, so they were both keeping secrets.

Mei hired Gustaf to play outside of the soda fountain. Ned and Florence ask her to be in their permanent employ. She's excited, but when Nathan rides by without saying anything, her smile turns upside down.

When Faith asks Hickam about investing in her, he won't offer her special treatment. He knows she can grow her practice on her own. She's not as sure.

Rosemary thinks Lee misses Hickam. Elizabeth comes by to effuse over their costumes and ask for a recipe to be published in the paper.

Nobody knows what happened to Mei, and it's her fault. She should have told them what was going on, but she didn't even trust Bill as her attorney.

Bill is having trouble breathing. Faith is sending him to the city for an X-ray.

Nathan wants his driving lesson now, and Elizabeth says she'll talk with Lucas and meet Nathan by the saloon.

Minnie and Joseph pray about things. He's worried that they might not be well-respected enough to get the loan.

Allie finds Mei in Bill's office and wants to talk to her about Robert. Mei gives her advice that she could use herself.

Henry is at the opening of the mine.

Lucas has a pinball in the saloon, and Robert asks him about girls, which makes Lucas skittish.

Elizabeth is trying to give a lesson, but Nathan excitedly wants to push buttons and drive, and the look on his face when he pushes the horn is everything.

Nathan gets out of the car. He wants Lucas to teach him how to drive, and he tosses out that maybe it's a good thing they never got together.

Apparently, Jeffrey faked the marriage, and Mei has no way to prove it.

Jeffrey dashes after Mei, but she doesn't want anything to do with him.

Ned worries that if they celebrate in the saloon, the only place he could get, people will think he's disrespectful.

Joseph returns with bad news. They wouldn't give them the loan. Lee calls his banker, asking Rosemary if she minds if they cover the loan. Rosemary's only issue is that Lee talk with them first. Unfortunately, he has no plans to do that and will keep it from the Canfields.

Nathan confides in Lucas about Mei. Lucas things that maybe Nathan feels once-bitten, twice-shy after everything that happened with Elizabeth and urges him not to walk away without talking with her.

Anna is upset because she doesn't want to move with her mother. She wants to stay here. She's not afraid. She's been inspired by Elizabeth and wants to stay on her own.

Minnie and Joseph are so excited about the loan, and Lee and Rosemary act as if it's a total surprise.

Elizabeth talks with Lucas about fear ruling your life, and now she feels like she can do anything, even more so with Lucas, who she thanks for being so supportive.

Rosemary and Lee call Hope Valley a raving success, and Lee gives credit to Mike.

Faith takes the infirmary sign to the bonfire and burns it.


When Calls the Heart
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When Calls the Heart Season 9 Episode 7 Quotes

You don't think is it at all possible that THE William Randolph Hurst wants to add our little newspaper to his mighty empire? Well, that's how life works though, isn't it? Great things have small beginnings. Mountains are moved first by picking up the smallest stone.


Jeffrey: Constable, where you goin'? That man hit me.
Bill: Not hard enough!