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We're checking in on a family on the reservation. Mom is cooking breakfast. Brother is at the table, but Syla? isn't anywhere to be found. When mom checks her room, the bed is made.

She begins calling around to see if anyone has seen her daughter. Panic begins to set in as it gets dark.

Mom dials 9-1-1 but cannot speak when the call is answered through her quivering lip and tears.

A reservation officer finds a car on the side of the road. Nobody is inside. Soon, there are a lot of officers in on the search.

Rainwater and Mo arrive the next morning to a house bustling with activity. Her car was found about ten miles from home. She had run out of gas. There's been no sign of her since.

The reservation officer needs help. He doesn't have the manpower to do a significant search. Ben says he doesn't know what her chances are, but Rainwater says he knows exactly what her chances are.

John, Ryan, and Kayce are in an official capacity up on the ridge with the bastard with the buffalo. They're asking the wranglers to move the cattle while they go talk to the dude and his son. The buffalo are for the resort. They ride people up there to take photos. The ultimate tourist destination.

This time, they have papers with the brucellosis details. They're clean.

It's not their job to keep 'em in, they say. It's the livestock commissioner's job to keep 'em out. Kayce says, Oh, I'll keep 'em out, but you're not gonna fuckin' like the way I do it.

John and the old bastard taunt each other.

Jamie is at the house. Beth taunts him. He wants to get straight to the problem the real problem, between them. It's a gut wrenching discussion (which can be found in our quotes section).

The new woman arrives on the scene. She's not happy with Roarke.

Barrel racin'! Laramie and Mia are on horseback while Lloyd and Jimmy watch them in action.

Laramie is winkin' at Lloyd!

She says, "Can you toss me a water, babe." Lloyd cannot believe he's here after two dances. He counsels Jimmy that Mia is gonna want a lot more than he can give. Lloyd also had a stack of hospital bills paid by John, but he didn't stop rodeoing. He says Jimmy has to decide with his heart what he's going to do. It's the only way he'll ever have peace with it. For Lloyd, his body decided for him.

Jimmy misses it already.

Rainwater calls Kayce for help. He's willing to send bodies. If they're looking for volunteers, too, Kayce will make a call. Rainwater is sick of the history of lost girls and wishes he could change it.

Jamie is meeting with Roarke and Willa Hayes. He mistakenly thinks he's representing the family. But he does have some good points. Thousands of labor jobs, worthless in Jamie's opinion. He's out of his depth. She thinks the state is buying the land, but he says they haven't even made an offer yet. That's when she offers $10k for 50000 acres. She's pretty proud of herself.

Roark doesn't think it's Jamie she has to close.

Kayce has rounded up a lot of manpower and volunteers for the search.

Some people are on horseback, and Kayce offers to get some more up there. Monica has the volunteers, and it's a good horde.

There's a coyote. That doesn't bode well.

Rainwater finds her in a ravine. He asks everyone to stay back. He turns the scene over to Ben and leaves to tell her mother.

The wranglers are watching a movie about a long-haired dude riding a buffalo, and they get the idea to ride buffalo.

Monica is in the giant bathtub soaking away her sorrows. I bet she's going to try to find a killer by putting herself on the line of fire. She wants to make it her problem even if she cannot solve it.

Beth greets John wondering if he's doing yoga with all the inner peace he seems to have found.

Beth says their latest trouble isn't an enemy, it's a shift in values. The world doesn't value his way of life anymore. He can't delegate to Jamie and Kayce doesn't haven't the patience or the skill. John says she has to teach Kayce and learn to trust Jamie. He demands to know what it is that Jamie did that the rest of them don't know.

She turns, intent on sharing.

Monica is back near the crime scene looking for clues. Rainwater is driving by and stops. Rainwater tells Monica the only thing she'll find out here is exactly what Syla found, and that won't help anyone.

Rainwater said all of this was supposed to be temporary. They were supposed to learn to be white and go live in cities. The government wants them to die so they can get their land back. That's why Rainwater wants it all back. So they can build lives they cannot take away. He's forming a council on women's violence on reservations. Their first fight is against being ignored.

Would she like to lead that fight? That's how she helps.

John enters the kitchen clearly intent on killing Jamie. Who the fuck do you think you are to take that from her? Kayce enters wondering what's going on. Cute the scene in which he screams. All I do is give! I fuckin' hate him. I fuckin' hate you! He screams as Beth listens in.

Oddly, John is thinking about the future of the ranch and who will fight for it. He says it's all for nothing. After all, Jamie will never have a kid, he's sure.


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Yellowstone Season 3 Episode 6 Quotes

Jamie: I should have said no. That's what I should have done. Because then you couldn't blame me for doing exactly what you asked me to do!
Beth: I didn't ask you for a fuckin' hysterectomy. You know, when you consider the pain that you cause a person the person's fault? That's evil, Jamie.

Beth: You know what is so fuckin' dangerous about you? That you actually believe that you're helping. Like in your heart, you believe that. But you refuse to look at the results of your help. You refuse to acknowledge the carnage that your help leaves behind because, as a man, you're broken. Your soul, your mind, is broken. And it's not your fault, I guess. He made you into something you had no business being. I guess that's why he did it. But there's just no right or wrong with you. Just his approval. That's all that matters with you. That's all you are. His disapproval and how much you fear it? That is what makes you truly evil, Jamie. And you are evil. You know that? You have to know that.
Jamie: All. All I have ever tried to do is protect this family, most of the time from itself. You, more than anyone, should understand that.
Beth: I'm gonna tell you a little secret. The more you became what he wanted you to become, the more he'll hate you for it. And he does hate you for it. We all do.