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Margaret is at the dinner table with John and his younger brother. She wants John to say a prayer for his father, and when he acts smart about it, she demands he understand and say another prayer with compassion. John gives her the stink eye.

Cowboys are having a gunfight. No idea who they are. Oh, there's James Dutton. He's shooting without mercy.

Margaret and James look significantly older than they were in the early episodes of 1883.

The other kid is Spencer. James is wearing a badge, and he's been shot. He asked God to make sure he lives because without him, they won't make it.

James collapses inside, and Margaret screams and cries.

Jamie is feeling sorry for himself. Garrett screams that he can beat 'em. Jamie knows that John will use everything against him, including Garrett. Garrett gives him bad advice, which isn't surprising.

Garrett wants Jamie to use the "it was in defensive of my only child" defense.

Christina is right beside Garrett, and she says John is 60. Uh, no. Jamie decides to have a press conference.

Beth wonders about closet space for Rip. He says he's got about five shirts and pairs of jeans. She says he is the perfect man.

There is another Market Equities meeting. Summer and her protestors are kicking up dust, and they don't like it. Beth says they should be careful lest they contact all of their friends to begin protesting headquarter offices in NY and LA.

Now we're in Texas. This is going to line up as the most unsatisfying Yellowstone season ever.

Emily pushes Jimmy to go to dinner.

Beth asks the reporter to leave.

Jimmy and Emily have dinner.

Jimmy and Emily kiss, and he's super nervous. He almost goes a little too far, but she's into it.

John and his new family have supper for the first time. Rip asks John for seating arrangements and where to place his hat.

Beth offers Rip salad, but he sees fruit in it and passes. Beth says it's good for the prostate. John reminds her that things are not all things are for the dinner table.

Dinner is something else. Beth goes on a tear, but Rip pulls her down to earth. Then, dinner is a lot more fun, with Rip and John talking about the past. Carter is fitting in beautifully.

Kayce sees a wolf just outside of his property line. He calls Mo, who tells him not to shoot it. If it goes near his horses, he's shootin' it, Kayce says. But if the wolf does it, it's a test, and if he shoots it, he fails.

Tate is in the bath but doesn't want Monica lookin' at him because his penis gets hard.

Monica and Kayce talk about the facts of life. Monica is pregnant. They're having a baby, and he's thrilled.

Summer gets out of her tent to a squad of men coming in to get rid of them. She calls Beth who tells her it's time to take one for the team.

She gets a baton to the face before being arrested.

It's all on film.

Jamie calls John about a meet. John thanks Rip for being the only person in his life who doesn't ask why he's doing something. John wants to ask the sheriff how to make shorter the life of the guy in prison who called the shots on their attack.

They pull up to a diner, and Rip holds them back. The people inside aren't eating and are only staring at each other. There's a guy inside with a gun to a girl's head. The Sheriff is inside. Rip and John go in guns blazing.

Haskell takes a bullet. He looks dead. John and Rip are a helluva team.

Haskell has John call his daughter, and he dies on the phone.


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Yellowstone Season 4 Episode 8 Quotes

You are the perfect man.


James: I don't care if you live or die, but should you live, you tell 'em about me.
Dude: Tell who?
James: Everybody like you.