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Beth's in jail with another girl who is crying. The girl doesn't know what day it is. They decide it's always some bitch from California.

Jamie is amused that Beth is in trouble, and he doesn't have good news. Her crime is with the county police, so there's no rug to sweep it under.

Beth gives Jamie an ultimatum to stop Miss California from making things worse, and she doesn't care what he has to do to get it done.

Jamie visits the prosecuting attorney and says that there is no self-defense in a bar fight, and if you charge one, you need to charge them both.

John wants to cancel the educator's luncheon. There aren't even any educators there. When it's about teachers, he'll go.

John wanders by a policy advisors meeting, which he discovers are working on his behalf, and he wonders the obvious before joining them and kicking someone out of the seat at the head of the table.

His advisor has moved to stop oil and gas exploration for the safety of the sage brush grouse, and John wonders what happens to them when 60 acres of solar panels go up. They would remove the sage brush, and the sage grouse can't live without it. John says what scares him about Stanley is that he's serious.

The entire panel is out of a job. What a great day for the state of Montana, John says after saving 1.6 million in salary and benefits.

Waiting in his office is park official and US fish and wildlife. They're there about the wolves. They deliver the bad news that his cowboys might have killed the wolves. John walks over to the phone and calls Rip. Rip is already clued in, and he's got no news of wolves.

After the call, one of the agents calls it exactly as it went down. They aren't the problem. It's another group that will be coming after John with both barrels.

John then gets the news about Beth's aggravated assault charges. John's reaction is "this fuckin' day."

Clara discovers her new duties include being a crisis secretary. He calls Lynelle. They make lunch plans.

The girl with the bruises walks as if she's being watched. Was she a plant? Jamie advises her that she's subject to prosecution, too.

Jamie reads her words back to her, and she says she was kidding. Jamie said she didn't find it very funny. Words are assault, too. She presented the initial threat. Since she's not from Montana, her bail will be withheld. She wants to get away from these fuckin' hillbillies. Jamie says the feeling is mutual.

It's the funeral for baby John. The cowboys arrive as others dig the baby's final resting place. Rip said if he had known, he would have dug the hole for him. They discover the dead horse, and they'll be burying it beside John. They decide to stay and help dig another hole.

John wants Lynelle to explain the job to him. She says he's the CEO of the business that is Montana. She wants him to reconsider the educator's meeting. Schoolkids will remember meeting the governor for the rest of their lives. She also says not to comment on family issues.

It's during this lunch and talking about Beth's plight that John learns he can pardon and commute at will before he leaves office, although she doesn't recommend it. She also suggests he avoid environmental groups at all costs.

She says buffalo and wolves are political kryptonite. She has a lot of good advice, and he tells her she's a smart woman.

Jamie laughs when Beth says she's gotta pick up trash on the side of the highway in her free time.

In his car, Beth sees the baby seat. She is stunned to discover he has a boy. She cannot believe that God allowed him to have a boy after he cut her womb out of her. This is the epic fight we've been waiting for, and by the end, Beth promises to take that baby from him and rob him of fatherhood. Jamie screams into the car and and almost hits her before driving off.

A stranger wonders if Beth is OK. She says she just got out of jail, and they don't offer much to people in that place. His daughter is in the backseat, she says mom wears the pants, if you know what she means.

John arrives at the ranch to see the hearse. Was he even invited to the ceremony?

Monica places her braided hair on top of the tiny casket. John finds Beth watching from afar. Nobody told any of them.

Rainwater spots John walking over and meets him with a handshake. He says grief isn't meant to be shared, but comfort is, and they could use some now.

Rainwater wants to talk to John about the 300 jobs he canceled when he pulled the airport project. He asks John to meet him on the reservation tomorrow to show his people he cares enough to visit.

John approaches Monica. He knows how she feels. He wishes he didn't but he does. He understands that she blames herself. He also talks about his brother he had for 18 hours, whose heart wasn't strong enough to survive.

John's dad said his brother led the perfect life. All he knew was his mother, and all he knew what that he was loved. It's the same for Monica. Wow. That's a tearjerker.

John thanks Kayce for naming the baby after him. Then he hands him back his badge. He'll find someone to take his place, but for now, he needs to draw the paycheck.

Rip finds John on the porch as the sun is setting. He shares the news that John's horse was buried with John. They don't fully understand it, but they get the gist of it.

Rip admits what happened with the wolves and that they're in a place nobody will ever be able to find him.

The cowboys are taking their rides to trailers. They were asked by another ranch to offer their help branding calves.

Afterward, they talk about calves and how they won't be adding any yearlings. Not with the cost of grains and such. The world is changing, but he's good to see the airport squashed. Rip says that won't make a difference, only slows it down a bit. The man says it breaks his heart, the world they're leaving them to. Rip agrees, and he doesn't even have any kids.

Summer is pulled from the yard and taken from prison. She sees the suburban. John rolls down his window, and she wonders what took him so long. She thanks him. The catch is it's a supervised release for six months. He's whose watching. Lynelle said he needed an environmental expert, and he got one.

Jamie meets with nasaly Sarah. She ordered them a bottle of rose, which the French drink like water in the summer.

She says they don't need to win, just keep it in the news long enough to assassinate his father and pick someone else to champion as governor.

He's laughing his ass off at the bar, and she wonders why. Because he's uncomfortable.

They're going to have sex. But what they don't know is that Beth is just across the room, watching him.

Jamie and Sarah are fucking in the shower stall when Beth happens upon them. She just lingers out there. Jamie hears something, but Sarah says just let them listen. Beth investigates and takes a photo of Sarah's ID. Jamie should have recognized Beth's gate, which is unmistakable.

Beth can't sleep. She looks into Sarah. It turns out she's not Sarah Atwood. As she's doing that, Summer, dressed in John's shirt, comes pounding down the stairs and into the kitchen. Beth tracks her there. They grind each other's gears. Beth grabs the Titos and a cigarette. She's not starting this day sober.

There's a huge fire off in the distance.

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Yellowstone Season 5 Episode 4 Quotes

Here's my best advice about this job. Good governors initiate action, and bad governors spend all their time reacting. There are plenty of things to clean up besides an airport.


Jamie: Boy. You have really fuckin' done it this time.
Beth: What's the big deal, Jamie? I got into a bar fight in Boseman. I mean, the Montana board of tourism should put that on fuckin' T-shirts.