Liza drives - Younger Season 7 Episode 4
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Charles is upset that Kelsey spent $400,000 on Kai Manning’s book, especially when there may be no substance to the book.

Liza then goes to Montauk to spend time with Kai to get material for his book.

Liza gets to know Kai better and discusses what type of book he may write.

Kai then propositions Liza, but she decides against.

The pair then go surfing the next day, and afterward, while in the shower, they have sex.

Liza comes back to work with Kai’s journals, but she, Kelsey, and Lauren realize there’s nothing they can use.

Liza, Kelsey, and Maggie brainstorm, and they come up with Kai writing a surf-theme sex book.

Empirical is publishing Quinn’s next book, and she gets cozy with Charles.

Quinn goes to a meet with Charles, Kelsey, and Lauren, and during it, Charles gets a call from Quinn’s assistant about a surprise party for Quinn.

Charles then tries to get Quinn to her surprise party, but Quinn takes the trio out to Dave & Buster’s instead.

Charles then drops Quinn off at her surprise party, and the pair share a kiss.

Quinn then gets Liza’s “permission” to date Charles.

Kelsey confides in Quinn she regrets not taking Quinn up on her offer.

Josh keeps seeing KT and learns she doesn’t want children.

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Younger Season 7 Episode 4 Quotes

Lauren: Do you think that was it?
Kelsey: I hope so. Have you ever googled turtle orgasm?
Lauren: Um, no. Stop
Kelsey [making turtle orgasm sounds]: Now you don’t have to.
Lauren: Stop, you are so much weirder than me, and no one knows that.

Liza: Tell me this. Tell me why. Why travel around the world and sleep in an oyster truck. Why is surfing so important.
Kai: It’s not. That’s what I love about it. It doesn’t matter. It’s just enjoyable. I literally get paid to do what I love.
Liza: I get that. So do I.
Kai: It’s an amazing feeling.
Liza: I’ve kind of forgotten that lately. I’ve had a lot on my mind.
Kai: Then let it go.
Liza: Is that all I have to do?
Kai: Hey, for me, that is the key to self-preservation. You want to stay on your board, while the elements are crashing around, you have to stay present. Put all your worries, all your fears, all your self-doubts go.
Liza: It’s not so easy to get out of my head.
Kai: Then you have to do something to get you out of your body.
Liza: Are you gonna say yoga?
Kai: No, I was going to say sex.
Liza: Well, I’ve been in my head plenty of times during sex.
Kai: You haven’t had sex with me.