A Rescue Mission - Zoo
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Abi is out looking at the IADG command center. Their peripheral security system doesn't span too far into the distance.

Mitch and Clementine bond over the baby, thinking of names.

Abigail puts together a weapon. It's just your average rocket launcher.

Jackson replaces Abe's credit card.

The rocket launcher was aimed at the plane. The plane has a protective shield like something out of a sci-fi movie. Haha ahhhh.

Jamie said the shield was an emp dampener, but the pulse must have been too strong. Since there is no pilot, the plane can't land itself.

They overshot the landing a little bit and are in the hybrid zone. All things considered, they're not too far away. It's also uncanny that the IADG lost sight of the plane which is in view of the barrier. It fell off of radar? Do they have the worst systems ever?

They finally discover the plane. Clem get through on the radio. Logan speaks with her. Dariela and Tessa head up the tactical team to recover the group.

For some reason, there are only three hours to recover.

Since Sam joked about naming the baby after him, and Clem shot it down, I only expect one Sam to make it out alive, and it's not Daddy Sam.

The tactical teams are down, but of course, that will mean it's only their coms.

They want to fire tomahawk missiles at cities to eliminate nests. The threshold is to get the dead man's switch. I don't understand why they can't just push it from the plane.

Tessa is alive. So is Dariela. Amazingly, they are the only two alive. What are the fucking odds???

Everyone is reunited and the ladies are amazed at seeing the first baby in 11 years, especially Tessa, who always wanted to be a mother.

Sam shares with Jackson how much holding his son changes things.

Mitch thinks they should rename the dead man's switch since it didn't come from a man and his sister's not dead.

Mitch wants Jackson to get real since Abigail is, yes, his sister, but also perhaps three of the four horsemen of the apocalypse.

Despite the lovely chit chat with Jackson, Sam contacted Abigail to tell her they're on the way. It's all going according to plan.

Walking toward safety, Abe gets air stuck in his chest because that's a thing that happens randomly. Clem pulls out her knitting needle and saves the day.

Meanwhile, Sam turns on Jackson. Abigail excitedly smiles while the two men beat at each other.

Then Abigail has more news. It's not a coincidence Abigail has Jackson's son's baby blanket. Sam is his son. Because we weren't supposed to think about his wife being black.

Jackson and Mitch are related.


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Zoo Season 3 Episode 12 Quotes

It's crazy. We made a little human.


Mitch: So, in honor of that, all that matters is keeping you and this baby, this currently unnamed baby, safe.
Clementine: I thought I'd have a little more time to think on it.
Mitch: Oh, right. Accelerated pregnancy.
Clementine: What do you think about Cadmus?
Mitch: What? Did your cult-member boyfriend give you that one?
Clementine: Don't be mean.
Mitch: How about Chris Cornell?
Clementine: Nice try.