9 Characters Celebrating Independence Day With Us

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Ever wonder who we're hanging out with on holidays?

Well, here's our partial guest list for the day.

We've even shared why they were invited. Shhh. Don't tell!

1. Selena Meyer - Veep

Hey, a former President, a woman, at that, and she promised to be really inexpensive and wear a short skirt. Sold!

2. Captain Cold aka Leonard Snart - The Flash

Dude is going to keep our beverages frosty good!

3. Abe Woodhull - Turn

Who better to invite that someone who was actually a part of the Revolutionary War? Oh, the stories he will tell!

4. Harriet Tubman - Underground

Harriet would appreciate the meaning of Independence Day, of that we're certain.

5. Josie and the Pussycats - Riverdale

Entertainment! Bring on the band.

6. Ash Williams - Ash vs Evil Dead

Wherever Ash goes, so goes the party. He is always up for a good time and usually brings the beer.

7. Maze - Lucifer

Maze is not only gorgeous and tough, but she knows her way around a bottle of booze.

8. Stan Smith - American Dad

We want an American hero at our party, too! One who will talk about America. And make us laugh, of course.

9. The Jennings - The Americans

We're bringing the entire faux family to the party. Can any of our real Americans spot a forgery?

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The Flash, Turn: Washington's Spies, Riverdale, Ash vs Evil Dead, Veep, The Americans, Lucifer
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