23 Times the Devil Stole the Show

They are fiendishly clever, sometimes darkly funny, and spine-chillingly "good" at what they do. Check out this hotter-than-Hell list of all the Devils we've come to know...

12 Creepy Kids Who Make Our Hair Stand on End

Maybe it's their eyes or that creepy little smile, but some kids on TV are just plain scary! Check out our list of kids who freak us out the most!

2015-2016 Renewal Scorecard

What has been renewed? What has been canceled? Click through this extensive photo gallery and learn the fate of your favorite sitcom or drama.

The Messengers Quotes

Vera: Trinity?
Alan: So we're saying that a meteor just happened to land at the exact spot where the first nuclear bomb was tested?

Alan: Yeah, but doesn't the location of Trinity feel like a little too convenient, no?
Vera: Like what? You think it was aimed like a weapon?
Alan: I mean, it's either another weapon's test or someone is trying to make a point.