17 TV Characters Who Love to Drink

Some of our favorite TV characters are on the shortlist for "most likely to need a stay in rehab." Check out 17 TV characters who love to drink.

21 Best and Worst Pregnancies on TV

The miracle of child birth is a common story for TV shows to play with, but some babies hit the mark while others hit the gag reflex.

2015-2016 Renewal Scorecard

What has been renewed? What has been canceled? Click through this extensive photo gallery and learn the fate of your favorite sitcom or drama.

What We're Watching: February 23 - March 1

It's the final week of February! Here's what we're watching on TV Fanatic!

The Musketeers Quotes

The Dauphin is not your son, Aramis. He can never be your son unless you confess to an act of treason and take the Queen down with you.

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Athos: The King's council has been in chaos since the Cardinal died... They say he wore out his heart in the service of France.
D'Artagnan: It's a pleasant surprise to hear he had one at all.