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Supernatural Review: The Three Amigos

Critic's Rating: 4.4 / 5.0

What do you when there’s a bad angel on the loose? Go find the King of Hell.

I always knew having Crowley locked up for the first 10 episodes of Supernatural Season 9 would come in handy. Too bad using his powers weren’t under better circumstances.

Supernatural Season 9 Episode 10 put Dean, Crowley and Castiel together on a quest to save Sam and rid him of Gadreel. But they still don’t know Metatron is meddling about yet, do they?

Off on a Road Trip
(The CW/Michael Courtney)

The cold open to the hour was fantastic and hauntingly reminiscent of when Sam and Dean had a funeral pyre for their father. There’s something visually powerful in watching a character silently mourn the loss of a friend while the flames flick high above them.

It’s tough to see Dean have to struggle through the consequences of his actions and feel the heavy burden he has bestowed upon himself. I’m just glad he didn’t retreat to a corner and give up.

I’m a little wary of Castiel with his newfound grace, just because it seems too good to be true. That said, having a fully powered angel comes in handy.

And, of course, Crowley working his demon magic was pretty much the only option Dean had left. Frankly, I’m surprised working with him didn’t end up with a worse end result for Dean.

These three amigos seemed to work pretty well together, and despite the painful look of pins in Sam’s head or the obnoxiously overly perky demon, it was entertaining watching Dean, Castiel and Crowley getting to Gadreel.

Although, it was a bit disappointing that Gadreel was so desperate to get away from his past dealings that he was willing to kill his best friend. I felt sorry for him before, but now, I’m just ready for the Winchesters to take him out.

I know he seems easily manipulated, and Metatron does a pretty good job of that, but I was still hoping he might have been swayed back to the good guys.

At the same time, even though Gadreel was only expelled from Sam, I’m glad he wasn’t killed. Yet.

Having him returned back to the original vessel from Supernatural Season 9 Episode 1 was cool, and I actually really like the actor’s portrayal. Sometimes it can be more fun when it’s not just Dean fighting some altered version of Sam. I hope this version of Gadreel lasts at least a few episodes more.

But with all the angel fighting going on, it does make me wonder where the demon battle for boss of Hell fits in. I know Abaddon is gathering her forces and Crowley is campaigning for the leadership role, but what of it? What will be the repercussions and how will it fit into the current storyline?

I just hope it’s not a wasted side story that ends up with Abaddon dead before anything really happens for her.

Trying to Help Sam
(The CW/Jack Rowand)

Yet, it was the end of the hour that proved interesting and also has me questioning where the season is headed.

It’s good to see Sam is OK and Castiel can help him, and I’m glad Sam and Dean were able to discuss Dean’s choices about tricking Sam. There was such an honesty in that moment, especially with Dean telling his brother he couldn’t give up on him. He had to find a way even if it meant blindly trusting an angel.

So why did the episode have to go the whole “we’re not good together, let’s separate route”?

I know Dean’s hurting. I know he wants revenge. But does he have to leave his brother. Does he have to do it all on his own?

The emotions were all there, but it’s a routine we’ve all been through before. Working alone for them never works. I just figure after everything, you’d think the two would stay together.

Guess we'll see how long that lasts.

Overall, this was an entertaining episode and getting pretty much every core character together is always a treat. Plus, it was good to see Gadreel out of Sam and Crowley out of his lockup, and with Supernatural, I'm always looking forward to what's coming up on the road ahead.

Should Dean have left Sam to go it alone?


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