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The Blacklist Season 8 Episode 20 Recap: Godwin Page

Liz, Red, and Dembe are surrounded by Townsend's men at Bino's chess club. Liz finds the secret escape passageway. They exit through a convenience store. Townsend wants to ship Godwin Page out of the country but he's resisting. Liz tricks Harold into meeting her.

He convinces her to turn herself in. Cooper puts her in Reddington's box at Task Force headquarters. He tells Red that Liz is safe in custody. Red bought off Bolt so that he could get Godwin. He brings in his torturer Edna. Panabaker refuses to make a deal for Liz.

An alarm goes off as a chopper lands on the roof. A team blows the roof and rappels in to hook up Liz's box so it can be lifted out by chopper. It was arranged by Raymond. Harold and Panabaker argue over who took Liz. Godwin is in the cell next to Liz.

She says she'll help him escape if he'll broker a deal with Townsend. Liz talks Godwin through extracting his tracker. She can use the tracker so Townsend can locate Reddington. Godwin overpowers the guard and runs. Liz acts innocent.

Red calls Harold to let him know he has Liz. He's going to give Liz her answers. He wants Harold to locate Godwin. Godwin advises Townsend to make a deal with Liz. The Task Force has Godwin. Liz pretends to call Agnes but phones Townsend instead.

Godwin makes a deal and tells Harold about the chip. But Raymond won't pick up the phone. Red, Liz, and Dembe escape by plane.

The DoJ issues a burn notice on Liz and the Task Force will no longer exist after she's caught. Reddington takes Liz to Latvia for answers. Red admits he's N-13. He takes her to a building he says is The Blacklist. 

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