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The Exorcist Season 2 Episode 7 Review: Help Me

Critic's Rating: 5 / 5.0

Well, that was a freaky deaky hour of television.

Demon Nikki used all of her conniving abilities on The Exorcist Season 2 Episode 7 to convince Andy to choose her over the kids, even manipulating his perception of Father Tomas and Marcus to do it.

Andy on a Quest - The Exorcist Season 2 Episode 7

Andy was doing so well fighting off demon Nikki at the beginning. He knew that the memories he was being fed were false, but demon Nikki is a master of manipulation.

She knew what she was up against, but she also knew she had an advantage. Despite Father Tomas and Marcus making headway and keeping Andy in the real, demon Nikki used all her womanly powers to keep them at bay.

Nikki knew how to push Andy's buttons. He loved her to no end and would have done anything to have prevented her death. If he were given the opportunity to change the course of events, he would, and that's exactly what demon Nikki offered him.

Nikki and Andy were a couple long before the kids came along, and as almost every parent can attest, sometimes it's easy to reminisce about life before kids.

All the things you could have had if you had not had kids, like a fancy new sports car, a den, a painting studio — all the things demon Nikki offered to Andy but which he rejected.

When you have kids, all your wants take a backseat. They don't become regrets; they just aren't as important as they used to be. Your kids become your life, and their needs take priority.

We Condemn You - The Exorcist Season 2 Episode 7

Demon Nikki tried to show Andy that the kids were ruining their life. With Father Tomas and Marcus' help he fought the fake memories, but she kept throwing more at him to the point where he became confused and started to feel guilty that maybe it was the kids that drove her to kill herself.

Each time he had the memory of her walking into the lake, he tried to save her but failed each time until the last go around when he finally chose Nikki over his kids.

All Andy wanted was his happy family back together, but demon Nikki kept pushing the idea that the kids were evil and responsible for her demise. She pushed and pushed and as hard as Father Tomas and Marcus worked to help him fight, they weren't strong enough.

Even bringing Rose in to talk to Andy wasn't enough to keep demon Nikki at bay. 

The moment Father Tomas and Marcus turned into evil priests, Andy was a lost cause. He couldn't tell what was real anymore. 

He was in the middle of a nightmare in his head, and he was stuck. Whatever the real Father Tomas and Marcus were doing wasn't working. Once Andy asked for help, Demon Nikki jumped on the opportunity, and there was no turning back.

The entire scene was a major mind-frak not just for Andy but the audience as well. As much as I wanted to turn away from that scene, I couldn't. It was mesmerizing in the most terrifying of ways.

Marcus with demon teeth and white foam spewing out of his mouth was scary as hell, but Father Tomas' head-turning ala The Exorcist movie was an absolute terror. Who can sleep after watching something like that?

Burying Nikki - The Exorcist Season 2 Episode 7

Somewhere deep in his psyche, Andy had to be screaming at himself for ignoring his tied-up kids to head to the lake. He would never have left his kids like that, but the lure of Nikki was too strong.

I liked how the kids slowly became creepy over the course of the hour until they were finally tied up. Nikki had planted the evil kid seed early, and it was fascinating to watch that grow and develop in his mind.

I still don't understand the reason the demon introduced itself first as Grace. Maybe I missed something, or maybe it will be further explored in the future. There has to be a reason why it didn't show itself as Nikki first.

What did you guys think? Was this the best installment of the season?

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Were you freaked out by the evil Father Tomas and Marcus?

How scary is demon Nikki? She's a nightmare inducer, isn't she?

Will Father Tomas and Marcus be able to fight her? Or will they need help from outside sources such as Mouse and Father Bennett?

Hit the comments and share your thoughts!

If you need to catch up, you can watch The Exorcist online right here via TV Fanatic.

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