Lea is all ready to go to the hospital as soon as she finishes making lasagna. Shaun thinks she should relax right now in case the baby comes early. Lea is concerned that Glassman might be angry at Shaun for going behind his back. Shaun says he had no choice because Glassman wouldn't listen.
Glassman is shocked to hear he had a stroke.
Meanwhile Jordan has a patient who hit his head on the steering wheel after hitting the gas instead of the brake. The man's daughter wants her father to have brain scans anyway as he has been acting more extroverted and socially ept than he used to be. Shaun thinks this sounds interesting so he orders a brain scan.
Shaun goes to ask Glassman if he's mad at him. Glassman says maybe you saved my life. Shaun asks what he is going to do. Glassman says he doesn't know yet. He's still reeling.
A child listens to Asher's heart. The child's brother is bald, so probably has chemotherapy, and has to have some tests. Park says there's no sign of metasasis so they can debulk the tumor and it'll givhim nine months. The mother wants to take him to Austria for Christmas. The father refuses to believe his son will die.
Eden won't stop crying and go to sleep. She finally stops crying. Morgan puts her down and turns on the baby monitor. As soon as she leaves Eden begins crying again.
Jordan asks Danny where they are going tomorrow. He doesn't know what to do.She says she'll pick something and then they will have fun.
Lim says she won't allwo Glassman to operate again until he proves he is not imparied. He says she'll have to fire him then and he will sue her.
Shaun's patient has a huge malignant tumor. The man doesn't want the surgery. He doesn't want his personality to change back.
Andrews tells Lim they can't bench their top surgeon without evidence of a problem. Lim says it's her department and thinks Andrews only cares about money. Andrews says that if litigation is thresatened it is his call and orders that Glassman be allowed to operate but another surgeon should be in the room.
Shaun wants Lim to talk his patient into having brain surgery. Lim thinks he should talk to Glassman even though she agrees that Glassman shouldn't be operating at all.
Park thinks it's time to consider palliative care. Nico's father refuses to hear it. Andrews says they will look for a solution that works for everyone.
Shaun goes to Glassman who says if the guy doesn't want surgery so that's that and that the guy being a good father for one year is better than being a horrible father for the next 20 years. However after yelling at Shaun a bout the Lim situation he agrees to go with him to talk to the patient.
Glassman tells the patient that it's possible that his new personality will remain intact after the surgery. The man agrees to the surgery if Glassman does it. the surgery.
Glassman promises with the residents and Shaun seems to think he doesn't remember anything every time he opens his mouth. Glassman kicks Shaun out of the room.
Nico's mother asks Aandrews what he would do. He would do the surgery.
Eden won't stop crying. Park's idea of pu tting her on top of the washing machine works but the car seat starts to fall.
Glassman demands Shaun be taken off the case. Lim says then she will take over for Shaun.
Over wine, Andrews and Villanueva discuss the nurses' contract demands in a semi0flirty way.
Shaun insists on watching the surgery. Lim says Glassman is upset and Shaun could hurt their relationship if he keeps pushing.
.Morgan goes to change Eden and discovers she's out of diapers. Park knocks on the door. Morgan tells him she can't do this. She's failing at everything. Park gives her more diapers and tells her the story. of his first time alone with Callan.
The little boy with cancer has tumors on his liver so the surgery cannot proceed.
Meanwhile, Glassman is distracted when Shaun shows up to observe the surgery despite Lim's suggestion he not do so.
Andrews is exhausted. He tells Villanueva that he has to tell the parents his patient has a month to live. Villanueva says she'll come back later but he says it's fine. She says the nurses want a union. Andrews wants to know who. She leaves.
Glassman continues the surgery. Shaun tries to tell him what to do. Glassman says if he speaks again he will have him removed.
Jordan is shocked that Lea is here. They discuss what Jordan wants to do with Perez. She wonders if maybe she's not ready to date. Lea tells her to stop overthinking and go to a certain restaurant.
Sebastian is upset and wants to find another surgery to save his son. Andrews tells him to stop being selfish.
Glassman's surgery continues. Glassman takes a breath but says he is just stretching. He removes the tumor. There is a lot of bleeding. Shaun watches as Glassman says this is from the dural feeders as expected. Perez and Lim seem surprised that it works. Glassman freezes up. Shaun says that Glassman needs to tell him the next step. Glassman wants Shaun gone. Lim says he has to answer. Glassman hesitates then walks off.
Lim goes to talk to Glassman. The patient is in recovery and his surgical plan was flawless. Glassman tells her about his first solo surgery and how he couldn't stop the bleeding. He couldn't stop thinking they would lose her. Finally he solved the problem but he thought he was never going to operate again. But then he saw the patient in recovery and she gave him a big hug. He's always tried to do what's best for his patients. He never thought that would mean putting down his knife.
Shaun checks on the patient and says they removed the tumor. The father is back to his old personality where he won't take his daughter's hand. Then he remembers he gave her that locket and takes her hand.
Eden is still crying. Morgan has Siri put on music and dances with her. Eden stops crying.
Jordan and Danny see a Christmas market for Nico. Andrews apologizes to Villanueva who finds this amazing. Jordan and Perez decide to go to this instead of to dinner.
Shaun thinks Glassman can't be mad at him. Glassman says he didn't have to humiliate him publicly and he didn't have to do it this way. Glassman wants Shaun to leave him alone. Shaun gets a call from Lea that she's in labor.