This episode picked up immediately after the last one concluded, with Zach and Grace needing to react their father’s ankle monitor going off.
As Alicia rushes Peter back into the apartment, Zach flips his skateboard into the alarm and the kids concoct a story for the police: Zach’s accidents caused the alarm, Peter was there the whole time. Later, Alicia has a family meeting and asks for total honesty: Zach says he’s seeing Becca, and Grace asks about Will. Clearly uncomfortable, Alicia says Will is her boss and any feelings they had for each other are gone.
Peter talks about Kozko being bugged in church last week, explaining that he didn’t break any laws in his relationship with the real estate developer, but there was some shadiness to their dealings.
As for the case of the week, it centers around Alicia’s neighbors and immigration. The ball got rolling on it because one of them lied to help cover Peter’s story, was forced to show ID and his famil was thereby exposed as either knowingly or unknowlngly contributing to a laundering and fraud scheme.
In the end, this investigation served two purposes: it forced Alicia to deal with more guilty over her family and what’s been going on; and it showed how badly Cary wants to be junior associate, as he went out of his way to try and get involved.
Let’s move to Will for a moment: he told Alicia it was fine that she canceled their date due to this family crisis, but he then phoned a fling and even took off a couple days from work to serve as the judge for a mock trial that this fling, a professor, was in charge of.
But one of the students set Will up to recuse himself, and later showed up to ask him out. She’s young, but pretty and aggressive. Will doesn’t really see a future with Alicia, so will likely date this student and see where it does.
Finally, the episode ended with Alicia watching the news in horror: Kozko killed himself.