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The Good Wife Season 7 Episode 1 Recap: Bond

Alicia can’t find work, so she tries to become a bond attorney but even the judge is freezing her out. Louis Canning is the only one offering her a job but she makes it clear that she doesn’t want to work for him. Canning calls her the “Apologizer” because she’s always the one saying she’s sorry.

Alicia calls Eli and says that Peter should run for Vice President if that’s what he wants. Eli and Peter are thrilled and Eli quickly gets in touch with Ruth Eastman, one of the best people to help run a national campaign. 

Peter goes behind Eli’s back to get Ruth, and then drops Eli from the campaign in order to keep her. Eli is furious. He can’t believe that Peter would stab him in the back after all of his loyalty and help cleaning up Peter’s messes. Peter tells Eli he has an inflated sense of his own self worth. Eli vows to take Peter down. 

Alicia finally gets a chance in bond court thanks to fellow bond lawyer Luca Quinn but it’s a steep learning curve for Alicia who has never dealt with the justice system on this level. 

Alicia is also trying to start her own firm out of her home with Grace, who is surprisingly adept at being her assistant. Alicia represents a woman whose mother left Post-It notes on all of her possessions before she died to designate who should have her things but all the notes fell down. Alicia is up against Diane and David Lee who are representing the deceased son. Even the judge thinks the case has gone on too long with a ridiculous amount of expert witnesses.

When Alicia covers for Luca at bond court, the judge won’t let her leave to go back to probate court to finish the case. Luca runs to probate court to get a continuance but the judge won’t allow it. Diane and David Lee think they have their case won when they can prove the note on the $8 million painting had the name of the housekeeper on it and they’ve made some kind of deal with her for their side. But Luca points out the the housekeeper also worked as a care giver to the deceased who was an invalid and that Illinois state law only allows a care giver to inherit a maximum of $20,000 from someone in their care. Diane and David Lee agree to make a deal with Alicia.

Eli comes to Alicia to tell her that Peter’s campaign will try to rehabilitate her image so that she looks like a good wife to the candidate. He offers to be her Chief of Staff on the campaign to help her combat that. 

When Alicia tells Ruth that Eli is her Chief of Staff, Ruth says no. That the campaign won’t pay for that. Alicia points out that the campaign isn’t paying for her, she’s volunteering to help Peter and she’ll stop doing so if she can’t have Eli. 

Alicia later finds out that Canning recommended her for the probate case because he knew she needed the money but he still wants her at his firm. 

Cary is disgruntled at the new firm. He’s the youngest partner and realizes that the firm is seen as old and unwilling to try new ideas. He tries to encourage the associates to come to him but one of them thinks Cary is hitting on him in the process. 

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