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The Good Wife Season 7 Episode 2 Recap: Innocents

Alicia gets a client, Mr. Barcetto from bond court. He destroyed a photo in a museum with a hammer. It turns out it was a photo of himself, naked at age 8. His mother took that and several other photos and plans to sell them all to the museum to be put on display.

Since Luca pawned Mr. Barcetto’s file off on Alicia, she wants in on the case so they work it together. Alicia has to hire a private investigator to help. Luca knows of three. Alicia calls Cary to ask if he’s every heard of them. He says no and then tries to pawn them for Florrick, Agos. 

Alicia hires Amanda Markinson but she lets Alicia down twice with inaccurate or incomplete information. Alicia fires her and tries to hire Jason Krause by Florrick Agos has already made him an offer. Even though Florrick Agos will pay him much more, he chooses Alicia because he thinks it will be more fun.

In court, Alicia and Luca try to argue that Mr. Barcetto’s mother didn’t have the right to shoot the nude photos but lose on the issues of consent and when they try to call the photos child pornography. They finally when they claim they use child labor laws and say that Mr. Barcetto worked for his mother for years without being paid.

Alicia makes over $30,000 working the case. Half of it will go to Luca, then she has to pay her investigator and finally, Grace asks to get paid a salary for her work. 

Eli apologizes to Peter. Peter accepts his apology but tells him there’s no place for him in the campaign. Ruth tells Eli to never come near the candidate again. Alicia tells Peter that if he wants her cooperation, she wants Eli as her chief of staff. Peter tells her she’s being used. She says, “Who isn’t?”

Ruth tells Eli’s former assistant to spy on him for her but the assistant tells Eli that’s what she’s doing. Eli gets the Democratic Chairman to ask Alicia to be on the Electoral Committee. Peter is impressed and tells Ruth to make nice with Eli. She isn’t pleased.

The associates come to Cary to complain about Howard Lyman. Cary tries to get Howard moved out from the firm. Howard turns mean and retaliates by calling a friend who’s a judge and having Cary’s cases moved up even though he’s not ready to go to court. 

When Diane tells Cary that they just have to deal with Howard, Cary manipulates Howard into crashing Diane’s Emily’s List meeting. He embarrasses her. Diane and David Lee sit Howard and Cary down and tell them to make peace. Cary is willing but Howard threatens to quit if they don’t fire Cary. 

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