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The Resident Season 6 Episode 10 Recap: Family Day

  • Cade lied to Conrad about going on a girl's trip so she  can visit Ian in rehab.
  • Padma calls AJ. She said her van broke down in Savannah, but she's lying. She's leaving Atlanta.
  • Nic's dad is brought into Chastain. He's still angry at Conrad and doesn't want him to be the one to work on him.
  • They say he didn't even come to Nic's funeral and still hasn't seen Gigi.
  • Kyle is shocked to know Gigi attends pre-school at the hospital, and he wants to see her. Devon tells Conrad who agrees.
  • Cade is surprised by how well Ian seems to be doing in rehab.
  • Billie has to inform a woman that she's dying and that a surgery wont' help her. But she insists on the surgery and so does her family.
  • Yamuda shows up and takes over Devon's and AJ's case with Kyle.
  • Kyle's heart rate is too low.
  • Bilie wants to refuse surgery but Leela remidns her that if Doris has even a slight chance at surviving, it'd be with Billie. Doris starts bleeding out during surgery when they open her up and it's worse than she thought.
  • Another patient in the rehab tells Cade that Ian spoke highly of her and basically was lying about how well things were between them and that she took care of him when he was sick.
  • Billie informs the sons that their mother's surgery didn't go as well and they insist she'll be fine.
  • Leela talks to Devon about her anxiety and intuition about her sister.
  • Kyle starts to crash while Gigi is checking him out.
  • Doris crashes and doesn't respond to resusciation. They have to call it.
  • Cade is listening to the others in group talking about lying and how detrimental it is and starts feeling badly that she's lying to Conrad about her father.
  • Leela informs the boys that their mother died, and they don't handle it well and go off about it causing a scene and angry that Billie got called into emergency surgery and didn't speak to them. They bust into Billie's surgery and threaten her. They leave and security hasn't found them
  • Billie is shaken up but says the work helps steady her and she has another patient.
  • Cade announces she won't do it anymore during the therapy session and leaves. Ian chases after her and wants to spend his days making amends. She says that she won't
  • Security finds out that the sons are still there and on the same floor as Billie headed for her.
  • They find her in the stariwell and attack her. She fights them off but they keep attacking her and are about to throw her over a banister. Conrad finds them and starts fighting them. They end up in a brawl. Security comes and Conrad comforts Billie.
  • Billie and Conrad give their statements.Conrad says that he'll take Billie home when Yamuda offers it. AJ tells Yamuda that they can squash their beef and that Conrad and Billie are in love with each other and it'll always get in the way.

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