Kat rushes home for antibiotics and stuff. She’s still in her 1814 robe, but when she leaves the house, she’s dressed in normal clothes again. She is freaking out, and as Alice tries to get answers from her, Del watches from the kitchen. She gets a phone call and then asks Kat where she’s going. She grabs the horse and chases Kat, finding her at the pond.
Back in the kitchen, Del tells Kat why she’s all up in arms. The mayor is not happy about the scant Founder’s Day edition of the paper. Alice says it’s her fault, but Kat stops her.
Sam arrives just in time to put a pin in the conversation. He wants to take her on a date, but she’s not interested in being one of his girls. He was only asking as a friend, he says, and then offers his home improvement skills.
Alice wants to tell Del the truth, but Kat says she can’t get her hopes up.
Del berates Kat, bringing her childhood around, and Kat doesn’t take that well. Del says she knows that Kat is hiding something, and she wants to know what it is. Kat needs more time, and it starts now. She’s got to go.
Del apologizes to Alice for hearing that.
Elliot finds Kat at the pond. He wants her to be safe and prepared. He doesn’t think the pond will let her take all of those medications. She has to try. She goes, but the bag remains.
Adult Nick drops by to see if Kat or Elliot is there. Alice is super uncomfortable and makes an escape.
Thomas is waiting for Kat at the pond. She comes out of the pond, screaming at the pond for not allowing her to bring the medications. He’ll take her to Jacob. Goodwin has everyone in town looking for the witch who hexed him, so Thomas has manly clothes for Kat.
Nick surprises Elliot at home. Elliot wonders why he’s not on a yacht somewhere. He needs a break from wedding planning, and his moms told him about Elliot’s Founder’s Day speech. He’s sorry he wasn’t there.
Nick finds a hole in Elliot’s wall and wonders why it’s still there and not fixed. Elliot says it’s because he wants to remember and never be like “him.”
They head over to the lighthouse, and Thomas closes the door of the hatch after her, frightening her. Susana is down there, as is an ailing Jacob. Susana reminds Kat that she healed her wound, so Jacob has a fighting chance. Kat needs to gather more herbs for Susana’s tinctures. Kat wants to stay, but this is how she helps Jacob.
Nick wants to buy Colton’s boat. Elliot sees Kat at the cafe and tries to steer Nick away. He’s not going anywhere. Nick sees that the Langermore house is for sale, and Alice asks about the party.
Rita visits Del, who asks if her hinges look rusty. Rita says Sam is serious about someone now and canceling dates.
When asked, Monica won’t talk about the Langermore party. She asks Noah what he knew. He was one in 2007, so he isn’t familiar. He suggests they borrow Kat’s keys and do some research at the Herald.
Thomas knows his herbs well. He asks about her sorcery and, when men are looking for her in the woods, pins her to the grounding covers her mouth. They will have a little bonfire when they find the witch.
As they almost kiss, Alice tells Thomas that she’s not a witch. She’s a time traveler. He laughs.
This all seems a little far fetched. More far fetched than witchcraft? Fair point. No follow up questions? Finally, he decides to ask who wins the war. She says it ends in a draw, and he says she’s more helpful as a witch.
Del is excited to see Nick until he asks about the boat. She promises to think it over.
There’s no word about the Langermore house in the paper, but Alice finds notes from 2007 in a very convenient box.
Kat wonders how Thomas has the run of the place. He’s the lighthouse keeper. When Jacob stirs, he’s not happy to see Kat and Susana thinks he’s delirious. Thomas tells Kat that the smuggling operation was Jacob’s idea, and she’s not happy about that, either. They argue, and he almost tosses her in the ocean.
Del and Sam talk on the beach, and so are Elliot and Nick. Nick says Claire called off the wedding.
He says maybe sometimes love just isn’t enough, and Elliot knows that feeling very well.
Big day on the beach. That’s where Kat and Thomas can be found, too.
Kat’s worried that she’ll never know Jacob. Thomas lost two brothers himself. Jacob once asked him a question Kat raises. How can you be so close and yet so far? Thomas said to be fearful when you cannot find them at all, not when they’re in your grasp.
Alice calls Noah. Nick overhears an embarrassing message.
Susana has been smuggling for a while. Thomas was in business with her dad. She couldn’t continue it, though. Maybe life would have been easier. Kat is so grateful to Susana for everything. Jacob stirs.
Kat wants Thomas’s help getting Jacob to the pond. She doesn’t care if she’s caught as long as Jabob is safe. He has heard her calling Alice’s name and knows someone needs her. Cyrus and his men are riding up.
Del tells Rita she’s Sam’s special woman. While they’re talking, of course, Del thinks she sees Colton.
Alice says she always falls for the people she can’t be with, and Nick commiserates.
Cyrus and his men search the lighthouse. Susana doesn’t know how much longer Jacob has.
Noah starts singing The Backstreet Boys I want it That Way, and Nick hears her singing voice.
Del give Nick the bad news that she won’t sell the boat. She’s not saying no forever, but no for now.
Alice sees photos of the Langermore house. There’s a mask, blood, and Elliot’s glasses. At the same time, Elliot looks at his old notebook:
October 18, 2007
I don’t even know how to write this. I don’t even know what to say. Except… it’s all my fault. I keep asking myself over and over again — WHAT HAVE I DONE!?! Well, I know what I’ve done…. I BROKE THE…
Kat brushes Jacob’s face, asking him please not to go. They were supposed to be a team. She can’t lose him again. She sings to him, and as she sings, his memories of home begin to flood his memory. She thinks he’s dying, but he sucks in his breath: KAT!?