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Warrior Season 3 Episode 7 Recap: Gotta Be Crooked to Get Along in a Crooked World

Ah Sahm and Young Jun get Father Jun home and remove the bullet in his abdomen. Ah Sahm tries to console Young Jun.

Some Irishmen break into a Chinese shop and steal some stuff. Cops arrest them.

Big Bill shows up at his new job. Instead of working on the books, he is assigned manual labor.

A man approaches Leary and asks for help getting his kin released from jail for the robbery in Chinatown.

A man comes to retrieve the women who used to work at his place at Ah Toy's. A fight ensues that sees Ah Toy win.

Douglas and Leary visit Walter and propose something to him. They promise to get his opponent to drop out of the race if he plays ball and outlaws Chinese labor.

Lee, Chao, and Abigail ambush Happy Jack for betraying them, and they kill him.

Ah Sahm remembers the events at the Germans church and blames himself for Father Jun's condition.

Yan Mi reveals her secret to Ah Sahm about the money she'd been skimming, and he has her promise not to take anymore.

Young Jun finds Father Jun speaking nonsense to himself.

Leary visits Chief Atwood to ask for the release of the Irishmen, but it's like talking to a brick wall.

Big Bill struggles on his first workday.

Mai Ling visits Ah Sahm and invites him to her wedding.

Hong's boyfriend reveals he is planning on staying in San Francisco for a while longer.

Big Bill is sore from toe to head.

Some Chinese kids find an Irishman and beat him up.

Young Jun tells Yan Mi she needs to train some of his men to ramp up production.

Agent Mosley is alive. Lee wants to resign, but Agent Mosley tells him it's not over.

Mai Ling settles the dispute between Ah Toy and the man she beat up.

Father Jun goes missing after wandering out of the Hop Wei territory.

Leary tries to calm down riled Irishmen who want to ambush Chinatown and avenge the one who was beaten up.

Leary goes to Chinatown and asks for Ah Sahm's help keeping the peace. Ah Sahm agrees, granted that no one of one race enters the other's territory.

Father Jun looks for a fight with Long Zi, and Li Yong notices he's not well. Li Yong delivers Father Jun back to the Hop Wei unharmed.

Walter is left solo in the race after his opponent drops out.

Young Jun expresses his distrust of Ah Sahm.

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