In a long, silent sequence, Kayce walks across the darkened fields to the barn, where he saddles a horse and asks, "Remember me?" before galloping away on the steed.
Kayce stops at a river. The horse runs away. Suddenly, a bear comes out of nowhere. Kayce tries to scare it off making noise. Rip comes along and shoots into the air, then feels a need to be mean to Kayce. Kayce responds in kind. They end up in a fistfight and then Rip claims Kayce doesn't know how to work and goes.
Monica is ready to go back to the reservation to teach. She sends Tate in to brush his teeth. She asks John why Kayce is branded and why Kayce hates him. John says Kayce disobeyed him one too many times—he refused to make Monica get an abortion when he got her pregnant.
Inside the house, John watches Tate trying to choose a donut and helps him pick the biggest one, saying that he can do whatever he wants.
Some people are reading an article about John being the livestock commissioner and how he was involved with the conflict over the cattle on the reservation.
Rainwater has a meeting with a woman who is advising him on plots of land he could buy. He wants something adjacent to the Yellowstone. He learns about Jenkins' development. The advisor tells him those plots are worthless as John cut off the water source. Rainwater says he wants ALL of them.
Jamie and Beth take a meeting with the governor, who introduces Jamie to Christine, a perky assistant who will help him win. He will be running unopposed as an independent. Beth keeps making snarky comments. The governor talks to her privately and tells her that she thinks Beth's development is arrested by her mother's death and she should stop trying to bully her. Beth replies that the governor should stop sleeping in her mother's bed or she'll ruin her career.
The governor calls Jamie back in. She mentions someone telling her John has cancer. .Jamie runs away and doesn't even want a ride from Christine.
Rip tells Kayce he's bad news and should leave the ranch for good.
The governor talks with Mike, the outgoing AG. She says that Beth is not controllable and in her opinion, John has lost it and thinks this is 1985 and no one is watching. She thinks they should back someone else for Livestock Commissioner and Mike should stay on as AG. Mike doesn't want to be in that position.
Monica takes Tate to school. Tate hates the reservation and wants to stay at the ranch. When they arrive at the school, two kids are fighting. Monica tries to break up the fight and gets knocked to the ground. Tate screams MAMA!
Kayce gets a call while working at the stable.
John gives Kayce a ride. Kayce refuses to talk to him about anything and insists John let him out in the middle of the street.
Monica's head is bandaged and she says she's fine other than a headache. The nurse warns Kayce to bring her to the hospital if she becomes dizzy, nauseated, or incoherent.
John is annoyed that Jamie and Beth are waiting to confront him at the ranch. He calls Carl before dealing with it. They want to know about the cancer, which he says is cured before dragging Beth away and telling her to stop interfering with the governorn and be helpful or go back to Utah.
Jenkins meets with a woman about his land. Rainwater and his man listen from another table. Rainwater offers to be the face of the campaign against John. He wants to buy the land and make it a casino/hotel and share profits with Jenkins. Jenkins is eager. Melody thinks it's a bad idea. Jenkins says Rainwater is John's greatest enemy and therefore he should work with him.
Tate is being a brat. Felix takes him out back and has a talk with him about how his parents don't have the heart to punish him so he has to be a good boy on his own. Tate doesn't know what he's talking about. They are about to go in when they see a drone.
Kayce runs out of the house and tries to stop Tate from running toward the drone. Another Indian guy shoots the drone. Kayce and the man see a car parked down the road and chase after it but Kayce doesn't let the other guy shoot the tires and the driver gets away.
Monica tries to come down to meet Tate and Kayce, but faints and appears to have no pulse…