John comes across a group of Chinese people standing on the land and talking in Chinese, in the sight of a bear. He tells them they're crazy and they should get back. He says it's his land and they're trespassing. A man says in Chinese, translated by a woman, that no one man should own so much. John shoots into the air to scare them all away, informing them that in America no one shares land.
At the hospital, after a semi-graphic scene of Monica's surgery, Dr. Unger comes out and gives Kayce a report full of terms he doesn't understand. He lets Kayce see Monica but not Tate. Kayce goes into the ICU, where Monica is unconscious and on a ventilator. Meanwhile, Tate has a tantrum when the nurse won't let him see his mom and she decides to restrain him. Kayce shows up and punches the nurse and two security guards manhandle him. The doctor comes out and tells the security guards to let him go, and orders Kayce to leave until someone can watch Tate.
John gives a speech at a conference. Jamie's seat is empty.
Jamie tells CHristina he's not an idealist and just wants power. Christina is turned on and they kiss.
When Jamie returns, John is upset. He says it looked bad that Jamie wasn't there. Jamie is sure he has the votes from those people. John isn't.
Nobody know where Beth is. Jamie assumes she's at some bar. Beth is in bed crying. She has a flashback of Christmas Day 1996. The living room is elaborately decorated and Kayce is handing out gifts to the older boys but Beth is AWOL. Evelyn goes to check on her and finds Beth has had her first period.
Evelyn is loving toward Beth for once, but tells her she has to be hard on her now so that she won't forget she's as strong as men are despite how she'll be treated now that she's growing up and can't be a tomboy anymore.
In ther present, Beth gets on a horse for the first time since her mother's death. It goes wild and throws her off. Walker tries to help her. She's nasty to him. Walker tells her she doesn't know horses. He touches her to show how it feels. He says she has to remember that the horse feels everything she does. She is able to ride.
John is impressed by Walker. Rip seems unsure. John tells Rip about the bear and says they need to move the calves right away.
Felix goes to Monica's room and burns sage and prays over her to the Creator. It sets off the fire alarm. The same orderly or whatever he is who had no empathy for Kayce and Tate shows up and grabs the sage and throws it in the sink. He tries to throw Felix out. Felix fights him. Monica opens her eyes and says, "Stop it."
Rainwater tries to negotiate with Jenkins. He tells Jenkins he wants the Yellowstone. Jenkins doubts that'll ever happen. Rainwater has a plan but he's only telling his partners.
Jenkins and his team have a private conversation. They decide Jenkins will own the hotel and Rainwater the casino. That way Rainwater can't cut him out when the casino is successful. Jenkins' team also plans to sue John over the water, hoping to get him on felony charges.
Jamie is alone in the house when a guy shows up looking for John. Jamie doesn't trust him and pulls a shotgun on him. Eventually the guy throws a paper down and says John's been served.
John as a CT scan and his doctor says he needs an endoscopy. As John leaves, he sees Tate, who apparently is allowed in the waiting room again, and asks why he's here.
John, Tate, Felix, and Kayce all go to Monica's room. Dr. Unger does a brief exam and says the fact that she's aware of her surroundings and can wiggle her toes is a good sign, better than he expected. He tells Felix no more sage. Felix notes it worked.
Tate doesn't want to go with John but everyone insists while the doctor takes Monica for a CT scan.
Walker, Ryan, and Jimmy go after the bear. Naturally, no one has a gun, and Jimmy falls off his horse and has to climb a tree. Ryan uses a rope to drag the bear away.
Later, Walker finds a Chinese couple who are hanging off a cliff. He tries to save them but they won't listen to him saying he can't get them both at once and the woman falls to her death. The man does not speak English. Meanwhile the bear comes along and Walker has to shoot it.
John brings Tate home but is suddenly in a lot of pain. He demands that Beth watch Tate. Tate and Beth both notice something wrong.
Beth takes Tate to the bunkhouse since he's hungry and she can't cook.
John vomits blood.
Monica can't feed herself as she can't get the spoon into her pudding. She asks twice where Tate is.
Jamie makes a speech at his office to constituents. He ignores a call from the Ranch.
Rip tries to call Jamie, saying he needs his help, and tries to call John, saying he needs the sheriff.
Beth and Tate enjoy food and music at the bunkhouse. Beth smiles when Rip comes in but he leaves again.
John prays. He isn't ready to die.
Kayce takes Monica's hand. She looks confused.