As Mitch's health declined, the reality of the aftermath started settling in. The family scheduled time to pick out a plot, casket, and funeral home.
Maggie had a hard time coming to terms with choosing everything as it made everything seem real.
Zoey had a hard time focusing on work, so Joan let her take some time off.
While the 4th and 6th floor continued their bake-off Leif continued his spying to share the code from the 6th to the 4th floor. In an attempt to show Joan he was still fighting for their love.
During Zoey's time off, she visited the funeral home many times trying to figure out the best thing to do for Maggie. She came across a woman who had lost her husband years before and knew everything about death.
Zoey connected the two to help her mother find acceptance and partnership in grieving.
Joan invited Zoey to drinks and they ran into Leif and Max. Leif chose to sing a karaoke love song to Joan and that's when she realized the mistake she had made by giving into a relationship with Leif.
Instead of firing Leif, Joan offered an agreement with Ava to band together to figure out The Chirp.
Ava decided to fire Max instead.