Privileged Interview: Lucy Kate Hale

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TV Guide recently sat down with Privileged's always adorable Lucy Kate Hale and discussed Rose's future on the show.  Lucy goes so far as to even drop a little spoiler hint as to her big change this season and her future with Zach.  Here's a small excerpt from the interview: What's your favorite thing about Rose? And what would you change about her?
Lucy Kate Hale:
My favorite thing about her is she's genuine and vulnerable. She wears her heart on her sleeve. The one thing I'd change is that she becomes more independent and creates more of an identity for herself.

Rose the Singer I have that exact teaser here on my desk: "Rose makes a move to become more independent in the last two episodes [airing Feb. 10 and March 10]."
Yeah, and it's a big change. It's sad for fans of the twins and how they're always together, but we are going to learn they are two different people and don't always have to be together. What sort of move does Rose make? Does she shack up with boyfriend Zach, dye her hair blonde ...?
She doesn't move in with Zach, not yet. Zach is around to stay, and if there's a Season 2 — knock on wood — he'll be there. But it's a pretty big move, literally. In the second-to-last episode, all these surprises and secrets that were kept from Rose are thrown at her, and that leads her to make big choices. Any chance you will resurface on How I Met Your Mother as Robin's sister?
You know what? I'm really going for it, because outside of Privileged, that was the most favorite thing I've ever done. Keep your fingers crossed, because I sure am!

You can read the full interview at TV Guide.

Eric Hochberger is the programmer of TV Fanatic, so please forgive his mediocre writing. His programming is far better. Follow him on Twitter and/or email him. Just don't request threaded comments. They're coming.

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Privileged Quotes

Boss [about Megan's hair]: It's just so bright
Megan: Everyone loves Lucille Ball but no one does anything about it.
Boss: This isn't about the hair, though it is really distracting...

Hey lady, i can see your va-jay-jay!

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