Brothers & Sisters Review: "Run Baby Run"

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We always enjoy Brothers & Sisters, but we're suckers in particular for the McAllisters and their political story lines, as well as single mother / career woman Sarah.

Rob Lowe, Calista Flockhart and Rachel Griffiths all took center stage last night and delivered the kind of terrific performances we take for granted on this program.

In "Run Baby Run," sparks flew between Sarah and Roy, the single dad she met last week at Paige's science fair. Meanwhile, Robert made a startling political move.

Follow the link above for our full recap of last night's episode. Below are some highlights from - and TV Fanatic's take on - the latest drama in the Walker household ...

Romance For Sarah!

TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE: That's how Sarah feels about Roy, the single dad she met last week. They have everything in common and he seems awesome. So what gives?

Well, at a PTA meeting, Sarah vocally opposes a proposal to search students in middle school. She finds out none other than Roy headed the committee suggesting this.

They get into a public argument about it and she feels she just blew it for good. But to her pleasant surprise, Roy shows up at a dinner party she invited him to anyway.

Rather than having his ego damaged or assuming he's always right, Roy, a Republican, says he respects Sarah's opinion and liked that she didn't back down. They kiss.

We love these two together, and also enjoyed the political banter between the Walkers over the middle school search issue, in which both sides made compelling cases.

OH, MICHELLE: Kevin and Scotty's surrogate gets embryos implanted in her, which means no sex for 16 weeks. Much to the dismay of Michelle (and her teen boyfriend).

Naturally, when Kevin learns she's dating someone, he plays chaperone when Michelle stays at Sarah's place after a gas leak in her apartment is discovered (she's a mess).

Perhaps the cutest moment of the night came when Michelle's BF tells them that he's totally supportive of what she's doing. Even Kevin sees that Kevin needs to chill a bit.

McAllister Press Conference

PULLING OUT, JUMPING IN: Robert's seat is up next year and he faces reelection. He can't bring himself to "play the game" anymore and says he won't seek another term.

At his press conference announcing that he won't seek reelection, a journalist asks Robert about rumors that Kitty has expressed a desire to run for a vacant seat in Congress.

That's because Kitty floated the idea to a Republican colleague, even before she told Robert. It's like deja vu again, after his post-heart attack decision to run for Governor.

Rather than being upset, though, he encourages her. But rather than a mere House seat, he encourages her to take his place in the Senate instead. Swoon. And fist-pump!

This will be good. We could watch an entire show on just these two (with Kevin as Chief of Staff), and love the game-changing idea of Robert supporting Kitty the politician.


  • Saul's story line (burned out, lamenting getting old) seemed a bit out of place this week until he was inspired by Kitty and decided to make the most out of his life.
  • Roxy Olin (of MTV's The City) may have only gotten the role of Michelle because her parents both star on the show, but she holds her own with this all-star cast.
  • Luc (Gilles Marini) texted Sarah at the end, saying he misses her! Could there be a Luc-Sarah-Roy love triangle in the works? Whose team would you be on?

Run Baby Run Review

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Rating: 3.3 / 5.0 (3 Votes)

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Brothers & Sisters Season 4 Episode 13 Quotes

I would be right there with you, and we would kick ass.

Robert [to Kitty]

Nora, the last time you dated someone he went to jail, remember? So if I were you, I'd take a breath.
