Community Review: Down with Glee!

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The final lines of Community almost saved what was one of its weaker episodes.

Jeff doesn't like Glee? He doesn't "see the appeal" at all? We disagree vehemently, but what a hilarious, timely swipe at another network's most popular new series.

But almost everything else about "Basic Genealogy" dragged on. Seriously, how many episodes will follow the exact same format? Someone in the group is faced with a problem. Jeff makes fun of them for it and doesn't care... only to have his conscience/Annie kick in and convince him otherwise.

Sorry, Jeff, but you're friends with these people. Please accept it so the episodes feel a little less formulamatic each week.

Britta Pic

While it's nice to see the show try and mix up its pairings, this week's didn't work.

The Troy/Britta storyline was just weird, wasn't it? Britta was so committed to proving something (what, really? That old people are nice?) to Troy that she let his grandma actually spank her with a switch, as seen above? That was just... strange.

The Shirley/Abed plot at least had heart to it, but not nearly as many punchlines as anything involving Abed and Troy (the latter of whom, apparently, finishes the former's sentences and pie).

Aside from the Glee line, two things did stand out about the episode:

  1. The Pictionary/swastika/Rabbi Chang gag.
  2. Pierce recognizing that, in many ways, he's an older version of Jeff - and warning Jeff to do something about that before it's too late. Sweet stuff.

Also, Katharine McPhee was actually solid as Pierce's step-daughter. She's getting her own sitcom in the fall. Think she can pull it off?

Overall, the opening sequence with the entire group together was by far the highlight of an otherwise mediocre episode. It still provided a few winning Community quotes, of course. We've listed them below:
Abed: I hate when they finish each other's...
Troy:... pies. | permalink
Slater: We need to talk.
Jeff: Are you breaking up with me?
Slater: Oh, good. Guess we don't need to talk. | permalink
Annie: How much effort am I worth?
Jeff: I'd break a light sweat. | permalink
Jeff: I hate Glee! I don't see its appeal at all. | permalink
Jeff: I can't say no to those big doe eyes. It's like strangling a mermaid with a bike chain. | permalink

Basic Genealogy Review

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Rating: 4.0 / 5.0 (15 Votes)

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Community Season 1 Episode 18 Quotes

I can't say no to those big doe eyes. It's like strangling a mermaid with a bike chain.


I hate Glee! I don't see its appeal at all.
