Parenthood Season Finale Review: "Lost and Found"

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This first season finale of Parenthood definitely tugged at our heartstrings.

All of the undone Braverman relationships seem to be on the mend.  Forgiveness is a tough one, especially for some transgressions, but there seems to be hope on the horizon.

On “Lost and Found”, Zeek seems to have found a way back into Camille’s heart using the oldest way known to man, through song.  Crosby is also faced with a tough decision, being there for his son or for the entire Braverman clan.  Haddie and Amber have their share of problems, but nothing seems to be able to cause a rift to deep for these two.

Playing a Song

Jasmine gets the dance job in NY and immediately decides to move, really without the consideration of her son.  How can she really feel like she’s making the right decision?  Jabbar just met and bonded with Crosby… how can his mother think it is OK for them to now move on?  Doesn’t she want to allow her son the opportunity to get to know his dad?

Thankfully, Crosby steps up to the plate and decides to leave his entire family for his new family.  We really think he is making the right decision.  Who knows if things will work out for him and Jasmine?  All we know is that he really needs to be with his son.  Good job Crosby!

Sarah and Amber get into a fight, and Sarah says some awful things to her daughter which leads to her disappearance.  Nothing happens to Amber and she finds her way back home, and also back into her cousin’s heart.  No boy is worth all the heartache and conflict between Amber and Haddie! 

We also love Haddie's intentions with her hair, wanting to be more adventurous. But cutting and dying it by yourself? These two need to find some time for a much needed girl day, maybe a trip to a spa?

Zeek finally sees the error of his ways and fights to win Camille’s heart through a serenade in front of the family.  Some might say this was a bit too cheesy, but we think it fit right in and ended the finale with a smile on our face!

Honestly, we are just sad to see this amazing, heart warming show end!  What will entertain us the way Parenthood has been able to?  At times we are on the verge of tears and others we find ourselves laughing out loud.  That is really the making of a great show.

Parenthood is a show about family.  Their everyday struggles, their everyday joys.  We are just happy that is was renewed for a second season.  There is definite light at the end of the tunnel… or at the end of this upcoming hot summer.  Fall really can’t come too soon!

Here are a few Parenthood quotes to keep you smiling until next season:

Sarah: I think we're better on our own and so, we should move on. Make a mess someplace new. | permalink
Sarah: Don't be a victim you know. Just do something; you don't need an invitation to your own life.
Camille: You are absolutely right, and I'm really glad I taught you that. | permalink
Zeek: I couldn't get Adam to drink one beer with me.
Crosby: No way, if he drinks too much the stick might fall out of his ass. | permalink
Sarah: You know, when I was your age I slept with my cousin's boyfriend.
Amber: Are you kidding?
Sarah: Yes, I didn't do that. I smoked and drank a lot, that is why you're so short | permalink
Zeek: Camille, I want to spend the rest of the time we have together making our lives good. I'm going to sing now. | permalink

Lost and Found Review

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Parenthood Season 1 Episode 13 Quotes

Jasmine, you are my family!


Camille, I want to spend the rest of the time we have together making our lives good. I'm going to sing now.
