The Gates Review: "Dog Eat Dog"

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We learned more about the inhabitants in the Gates last night - and all I could say was by the end of the episode I was craving More - More - MORE!

"Dog Eat Dog" gave us a bigger glimpse at the real picture surrounding the feud between the vampires vs. the werewolves. Ross, the head coach of the communities high school, informs Nick that the alliance that has lasted over ten years, is about to come to an end. Tthings look to be okay once Ross finds out who really beat up Simon. Of course, Simon does come back at the end of the episode to warn Nick that the treaty will not last forever, and people will get hurt.

Caught in Between

[Photo: ABC]

This brings up an excellent question: Why on earth would Nick choose to live with his family inside the Gates? Couldn't he just work there and have his family live in a nearby town? Where on earth is the Gates even located?

Andie's love triangle had a quick turn of events this week. She went from loving on Charlie and making him faint to possibly giving into temptation with Brett. I wasn't sure who I wanted her to be with - but after last night's episode, I am 100% on team Brett. Why you ask? Well, for one thing, he is mighty sweet to look at and it seems like he may have the best chance of survival being with her. I do get the creepy feeling that things may not work out with him either. Hopefully, she just doesn't kill him!

Mia, Peg's daughter, brought in to light another storyline as she secretly relieved to be working with Devon. I am not sure how I feel about this. For one, if my mother truly hated a woman in town and told me she had nothing but evil intentions - why on earth would I go meddling around with said woman? Granted, Mia is just a teenager, but shouldn't she have a bit more common sense?

By far, the best part of the episode last night had to do with Christian, Claire, and Dylan.

Seriously, why would Claire go meet with Christian? Didn't she realize that he was dangerous enough to do something to her? If his only bargaining chip was informing Dylan of their rendezvous, why not beat him at his own game?

Lying only made things worse and ended up costing Christian his life. There was something at the end when Claire asked Dylan what he had done. She obviously had some sort of feelings for Christian that I don't think she wanted to admit. 

So it's pretty safe to say how these vampires walk the earth in daylight - sunscreen. It had been implied, but when Dylan soaked Christian with water then wiped his face before the sun came up, was pretty much all the evidence needed.

What did you think of last night's episode? Leave us your thoughts and opinions below. Until next week, here are a few of our favorite The gates quotes:

Simon: You tell my son that I'm proud of him. | permalink
Christian: We're friends.
Dylan: We were. | permalink
Christian: Glad you decided to come.
Claire: You're threat left me with little choice.
Christian: Was it the threat or were you looking for a good excuse to come play with me - guilt free. Come on dinner's ready. | permalink
Brett: I only told them that you were special, like us. | permalink
Sarah: It's kinda like high school, but with money. | permalink

Dog Eat Dog Review

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The Gates Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Not here. Not here.


It's kinda like high school, but with money.
