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Nick and Sarah head to a homeowners meeting.  Simon gets in fight with Ben at the party. The next morning Simon is found unconscious outside his house. The police assume it is Ben, but they have nothing to go on.

Andie and Brett are now friends and she is avoiding Charlie in school .  Brett tells Andie that he understands how she feels with Charlie because he felt that way with her before he found out she was special too.

Christian stops by Claire’s house unexpectedly and invites her to dinner - an offer she cant refuse. He blackmails her by saying he will tell Dylan that she went hunting.

When Claire gets to Christian’s house, he professes his love and she turns him down. Furious, he attacks her. Dylan is waiting at home and she confesses the whole situation. He leaves and tells her that no one else wants her, but Christian and takes her phone.

Dylan pretends to meet with Christian as Claire and attacks him, ties him up to the tree and leaves him to die.

Devon gets a surprise visit from Peg who warns her to get rid of the Devil’s flowers - because she knows that it is used for the very darkest arts.  Peg’s daughter is there secretly learning her powers.

Ross goes to visit Nick at the prescient to talk about Simon’s condition and who beat him up.  Later that night, Nick goes snooping around Karen’s house and gets thrown through the window to find Ross and Karen glaring at him with their yellow eyes.

Nick figures out that Lucas was lying and gets him to admit that he beat up his father. Because he is young, Ross knows that the pack would come after him, so he decides to take the blunt consequences.

Later that night, Nick gets a visit from Simon warning him that vampires and werewolves aren’t meant to co-exist. He warns night to get out of the Gates before it’s too late for him and his family.

The Gates
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The Gates Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Not here. Not here.


It's kinda like high school, but with money.
