Dexter Review: "Everything is Illumenated"

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I'm still not a major fan of this season's overall storyline on Dexter. I don't buy Julia Stiles in the role of Lumen, I don't care much about that character and the circumstances surrounding her don't feel urgent enough.

But, for one episode at least, "Everything is Illumenated" picked up the pace. Big time.

Learning from the Best

For a very welcome change, Dexter didn't act merely as a babysitter, dispensing advice to his wayward child.

Instead, this action-packed hour centered around Dexter on the run, forced to make quick decisions and cover up the tracks of a killing before his co-workers arrive on the scene.

In other words: it was everything I love about the show. Michael C. Hall played the role of exasperated serial killer to perfection, as the part of him still tied to Rita and the innocent life of Lumen couldn't just turn his back on this woman. We understood his reasoning in the final scene, as Dexter does feel guilt over the death of his wife.

He just reacts to it in the only way he knows how: by helping another victim find peace... in the most violent way possible.

There was also the dark humor this show does so well, as I laughed the entire time Masuka acted out the supposed sexual fantasy that led to the unusual concluding crime scene. It was a far better use of a supporting character than anything involving Maria, Angel and their marriage.

I would have liked to see more from the narcotics cop now on Dexter's case, as that will add to the levels of suspense each week. But I won't spend any more time complaining about this season right now. We got to see Dexter reacting to a potentially life-altering, threatening dilemma for the first time in weeks, and that makes me a happy critic.

Everything Is Illumenated Review

Editor Rating: 4.7 / 5.0
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Rating: 4.7 / 5.0 (53 Votes)

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Dexter Season 5 Episode 6 Quotes

Lumen: Why do you have that in your purse?
Dexter: It's not a purse.

I can't get revenge for Rita's death, but I can help Lumen avenge what was done to her.
