House Sneak Peeks: Meeting Martha Masters

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Great news for those who find Gregory House to be funnier and more entertaining than Tim McCarver:

Following the conclusion of the World Series, this Fox hit returns next Monday with the episode "Office Politics." It will center around the debut of Amber Tamblyn, as that actress takes on the role of genius medical school student Martha Masters.

After all, as explained below, Cuddy is sick of the sausage fest that is House's team and is taking a pro-active step to counter it. Enjoy the following pair of clips and return to TV Fanatic after this episode airs for a detailed review:

[video url="" title="No More Sausage Fest!"] [/video]

[video url="" title="Meeting Martha"] [/video]

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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House Quotes

Dr. Cameron: House doesn't believe in pretense. Figures life's too short and too painful. So he just says that he thinks.
Dr. Foreman: "I say what I think" is just another way of saying "I'm an assho"...

(about House) The son of a bitch is the best doctor we have.

Dr. Cuddy