Brothers & Sisters Review: "Safe at Home"

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Tommy's home (and potentially here to stay), Sarah and Luc set a wedding date, Olivia has a major obstacle to overcome, Justin and Annie broke up and there's a major new Brothers & Sisters mystery beginning to unfold surrounding Nora's past.

Needless to say, "Safe at Home" gave us quite a bit to process.

Luc is back in Pasadena, but his happy return and is trumped by Tommy, who introduces the Walkers to his beautiful Rose. Things start off on an interesting note.

Tommy and Girlfriend

Rose is really into researching family trees, and her knowledge of the Walkers' past leaves them on edge at best and creeped out at worst. Rose is also a real estate broker.

Sarah, naturally, is suspicious when Tommy asks her for money to fund a venture. She later accuses him of coming back just to ask them for money, but that's not it at all.

Justin and Annie hit a crossroads, meanwhile, in the form of a third party, Dr. Rick. Hopefully this isn't mirroring Dave Annable's real-life relationship with Odette Yustman.

Rick, who Annie dumped before dating Justin, is always hanging around her and seems to be flirting hardcore, be it in the hospital halls or on the hospital softball team.

In a predictable turn of events, tension mounts during a close play at home and Justin and Dr. Rick have at it, all with Annie caught in the middle. This doesn't bode well.

Cue the Walker family dinner, and bring the wine. Lots and lots of wine.

Luc and Sarah's wedding date is the first order of business, and the high water mark for the night. Justin is ticked that Annie wouldn't back him up out there on the field.

They decide to break up, which is too bad, but maybe temporary?

That's not nearly as tense as how upset Sarah is at Tommy for trying to pitch that house-flipping deal. But then he drops the bomb, the real reason he came back to town.

He and Rose are engaged. And want to stay in California.

Quite the turn of events for a guy who was basically run out of town after turning himself into the family pariah of sorts. It's great to see him able to turn things around.

Apparently realizing the error of her snap judgments, Sarah even offers him a job at the station - and asks if he’d be willing to walk her down the aisle. It's dusty in here.

Now for the night's big mystery, or what you have to think is the groundwork for one. Nora gets a flustered when Rose asks about a pic with her high school flame, Brody.

Saul tells her the guy still lives in the area and Nora should call.

Later, Rose does a little Internet search to discover that Nora’s marriage certificate has a June date. Tommy says that they always celebrated her anniversary in January.

This has them both wondering if Nora lied about her wedding date because she was pregnant at the time and what the possible ramifications of that could be. Thoughts?

Elsewhere, Olivia gets set up in her new bedroom during her first weekend with Kevin and Scotty, and they begin to see something is amiss. Turns out to be a big thing.

After missing the clues all night, they eventually realize Olivia doesn’t know how to read. Lots of kids in her place fall through the cracks. We have a hunch this one won't.

What did you think of last night's Brothers & Sisters? Discuss!

Safe at Home Review

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Rating: 4.5 / 5.0 (40 Votes)

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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