30 Rock Review: "TGS Hates Women"

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Last night's 30 Rock opened by asking why TGS hates women. By the end, we wouldn't begrudge Jack Donaghy for hating little girls.

When Jenna shows Liz Lemon an article on the website Joan of Snark, the latter is horrified to see that the article asks why TGS hates women - though skits in which Amelia Earhart's period leads her to crash and Hilary Clinton's period leads her to nuke London may be good reasons to ask.

Liz decides that she must hire a new female writer to get TGS back to its roots of celebrating and nurturing women.

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She settles on Abby Flynn, a blonde, buxom comic who sports pigtails and short skirts and purrs in a baby voice. Flynn oozes sex and while Liz tries to get her to realize she doesn't need to play to men's fantasies, the rest of the writers try to sleep with her (and, grossly, Lutz does).

When Liz finds and makes public footage of Flynn, then known as Abby Grossman, performing stand-up sans slutty outfits and sex kitten voice, she thinks she is saving the coquettish comic.

Instead, she may have sealed her fate, as the Abby Flynn persona was merely a disguise Grossman took on to escape her abusive ex, who has now found Abby and threatens to kill her. As Abby storms off to go back into hiding, a dejected Liz gets back to work - preparing a skit in which Wonder Woman gets her period.

While Liz was ruining a woman, Jack was sparring with a little girl. Jack has designs on one day running Kabletown, but realizing it is a family-owned company, he sets out to stop his competition from one day taking over. That the competition is Kailey Hooper, the teenage granddaughter of the Kabletown CEO, does not deter Jack in the slightest.

He takes the young Hooper on a tour of "boring" NBC and gets the girl to reveal her dream of one day becoming a marine biologist, a dream a young Jack once shared.  Hoping to push her towards this path, Jack arranges for a tour of the Museum of Natural History.

The tour stirs up old desires for Jack and, in a moment of weakness, he contemplates leaving Kabletown and becoming a scientist of the sea. However, he quickly realizes that Hooper is not what she seems. In a hilarious showdown at her school, Jack and Kailey both reveal their plans to one day run the company, creating a worthy, if young, new nemesis for TV's best executive.

TGS Hates Women Review

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Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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30 Rock Season 5 Episode 16 Quotes

Isn't that the guy who outbid no one for NBC?


I wanna roll my eyes right now, but the doctor said if I keep doing it my ocular muscles might spasm and eject my eyeballs.
