Archer Review: "Movie Star"

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In the immortal words of "Movie Star" Rona Thorne, that episode of Archer was... "AMAAAAAZING!" Guest-voiced by Rachael Harris, Rona fit in perfectly with the ISIS crew.

Stalking a Movie Star

The tightly-knit (sorry, macrame) episodes featured four storylines that all centered around Rona's appearance:

  1. Lana and Rona's girl power served as the primary storyline and it was nice to see Lana given the leading lady position again after being pushed to the backburner for many episodes. Even if she did let Rona blindside her with too much ego-stroking.
  2. Archer's Adventure featured some of the best comedic bits from going deaf ("Mah! Mah!") to unleashed Krieger Bots. Of course, the idiot was too busy spiting Lana to stop the sniper.
  3. Cyril and Malory definitely gave the ISIS comptroller some good lines fresh off his own adventure last week. Probably did not need to see this two get it on, though. But at least it was a great reveal to see who the studio head was: Nikolai Jackov.
  4. The ISIS drones breaking into Rona's apartment. Cheryl, Pam and Gillette have become an unstoppable trio with amazing chemistry. Glad Rona's penthouse was in view of the sniping review.

Not only were we treated to four separate plots that all came together well, but Archer and Lana finally got what they deserved: a failed mission. After watching these two argue and accidentally stumble their way through every mission, it was refreshing to see them actually fail for once.

Of course, there won't be a World War III or any actual repercussions from their antics, and the two super spies will never learn, but at least we'll know it won't always work out for them.

Now on to our usual trio:

  • Obscure references: Mandingo, Boudicca, Wild Bill Donovan, Joe Frazier on The Superstars, Karl Malden.
  • Repeated jokes: "And?" "You're not my supervisor!" "Amazing!"
  • Past offenders: Lana's man-hands, the fieldhand, and Count Snackula.

So everyone enjoy your Archer quotes from this light-hearted adventure because the next two weeks are about to get dark.  Real dark.  And funny.

Lana: This isn't the Sheriff's department where you get wear a windbreak and go on a ride-along. This is highly classified cover ops.
Rona: Yes! Covert ops! This is exactly the kind of spy lingo I want to soak up.
Pam: What part of highly classified do you not understand?
Rona: All of it! | permalink
Archer: You're just doing this to spite me!
Lana: And? | permalink
Lana: Oh My... You're getting off on this!
Archer: And? | permalink
Archer: That so hard? Count Snackula. | permalink
Malory: So make her 40.
Cyril: And who's going to play her?
Malory: Me! That's the whole point.
Cyril: You do realize there's a finite amount of Vaseline in the world? | permalink
Cheryl: Deaf people are gross.
Pam: Not as gross as the hook hand ones.
Cheryl: Eh? I dunno. | permalink
Rona: Where's my journal?
Pam: I maybe kind of sort of took it?
Gillette: Why would you do that?
Cheryl: Did you think it was meat? | permalink

Movie Star Review

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Rating: 4.4 / 5.0 (13 Votes)

Eric Hochberger is the programmer of TV Fanatic, so please forgive his mediocre writing. His programming is far better. Follow him on Twitter and/or email him. Just don't request threaded comments. They're coming.

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Archer Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

Archer: I am qualified because I happen to be the world's greatest secret agent.
Rona: But you're a man.
Archer: And then some.

Lana: This isn't the Sheriff's department where you get wear a windbreak and go on a ride-along. This is highly classified cover ops.
Rona: Yes! Covert ops! This is exactly the kind of spy lingo I want to soak up.
Pam: What part of highly classified do you not understand?
Rona: All of it!