The Killing Review: "Vengeance"

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For an episode titled "Vengeance," there wasn't a whole lot of revenge enacted by any of the characters

But that's not to say that the idea wasn't floated around a few times. Instead, the episode began building the fires of vengeance. The beautifully acted scenes between characters, as well as the dramatic solo moments of some of the actors, created a slow simmering feeling of anger, frustration, and near desperation.

Vengeance Picture

Stan may have seemed like the member of his family most likely to avenge his daughter's death, and he even had the opportunity. We didn't get a bloody confrontation this episode, but there was a quietly deadly moment between a reformed bad guy turned father and a father-to-be.

Stan, instead, played the role of loving father and husband, returning to his family and answering the tough questions (like the kids query about how Rosie really died). In the end, it looks more like Mitch might be consumed with the need for vengeance as she spent her evening parked outside Bennet's house watching him and his wife.

Mitch has been slightly unhinged for a while, but this new information about Bennet might push her over the edge. Especially if her nagging mother sticks around.

It wasn't surprising how quickly Bennet's name became "mud" in the media. The horrible political ad that Adams made to destroy Richmond's campaign pulled double duty and ruined the teacher's reputation. Talk-radio was atwitter with racially charged hate and fear for a suspect, not a convicted murderer. 

This racially motivated railroading will no doubt get even worse once the press gets word of the new suspect, Muhammed. He might be involved based upon his presence at the Bennet's home that fateful night, and being a person of interest will bring up a lot of negative attitudes about his race and religion.

Linden and Holder's investigation might be stalled if the FBI is already interested him. Why did they raid that address? Who gave Linden that address to begin with and why?

Unsurprisingly, Linden missed her flight again to track down this lead at the mosque. Also unsurprising was Rick's reaction to it. He may have reached the end of his patience with her and it looks like Regi might have as well. Regi tried to hold up a mirror for Linden, so she could see how uncertain and wishy-washy she was being with the rest of her life; but it wasn't something our detective wanted to hear, (yet?).

What was surprising was Holder's aggressive attitude towards Linden when he found out she was still around. I know he wants to make a name for himself, but he should admit that he's a little lost without her help.

It was very sad to see the Seattle All Stars become a political target, and it looks like Richmond might have to start playing the political game if he really wants to win.

In another note, I thought the sex scene between Gwen and Richmond was so dispassionate. There seemed to be very little chemistry between the two and the whole thing felt really staged so there could be a dramatic moment in which they see Adams's ad. I don't really like them together. She's seems ambitious and he seems still too grief-stricken.

What did you think about this episode? Any leads on possible suspects?

Vengeance Review

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The Killing Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Linden: I don't want to do this anymore. I'm finished with this life, but I have to wrap up this case.
Regi: That's exactly what you said about the other case, with the kid, and you're doing the exact same things that almost lost you custody.

You losing this election when you could do a lot of good for a lot more people than this one guy, that's wrong.
