Project Runway Review: Who Gets the Bird?

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Project Runway got so hot it was downright tropic on "This is for the Birds," as the designers were pitted against one another in a head-to-head challenge.

Everyone was sent to Mood and the mood was more contemplative than frantic, at least for the first visit. When everyone was told they must make a second look, things became a little more breathless.

Laura Kathleen and Anya Ayoung-Chee

Then, in an added twist, the designers were told they can only show one outfit. Time to choose...

Poor Bert. He really hated his bird. The parrot was more Josh's style. Thank goodness Oliver wasn't still here. I don't think he could have handled that much color.

And talk about having a very bad day, Kimberly couldn't catch a break. First, her fabric was stained. Then, she put a needle through her finger and finally a glue gun burned a hole through her dress. What else could possibly go wrong? I was proud of her for not giving up and that dress she pulled off in under three hours was stunning. 

Let's run down our twosomes and see who ended up on top:

  • The parrot took on Bert versus Josh. Bert's look resembled a generic female super hero and a boring one at that. You could tell Bert hated his bird. To everyone's surprise Josh picked his minimalist orange dress over his overly constructed green number. It paid off. Josh won this round.
  • Anya and Laura took on the raven. Anya's dress was structural, modern, and dramatic. It was nothing the judges have seen from her before. Laura took it all too literally with a feather collar and skinny satin legs. It was no surprise that Anya won.
  • Viktor and Kimberly and their cockatoo brought us similar, yet dramatically different looks. Viktor fell into the feather trap while Kimberly pulled out an dress with edgy cut outs. Kimberly won and it was nice to see her knock some of that arrogance out of Viktor.

With the top three of Anya, Josh, and Kimberly, it wasno surprise when Anya took the prize. Josh was pissed. He was tired of Anya making garments that her model had to be cut out of. He may have a point. When will her lack of sewing experience come back to bite her?

Who went home? Bert - and dammit, I had just begun to like him! The judges blindsided me because I really thought they were going to send Laura packing for those hideous feathers and too tight pants but I've been wrong before.

On to the Tim Gunn Hug Report:

  • Tim gave away extra hugs this week as he saw Kimberly start to break down. He wanted her to succeed and came around the table to giver her a supportive squeeze and the extra boost of confidence she needed to pull off a stunning gown in under three hours. It was the magic of Tim. What is in that hug?!?
  • Bert's hug wasn't quite so magical. It wasn't the lovefest we saw when Anthony Ryan left, but it isn't the dear God must I do this hug we witnesses with Oliver. Bert got more of a friendly pat on the back on his way out the door.  

And then there were five. We're in the home stretch now. Check back next week to see who makes it to the final four and what kind of send off Tim gives the unlucky loser.

This is for the Birds Review

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C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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