Criminal Minds Review: Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

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The old Criminal Minds was back in effect with "Divining Rod. Lots of profiling? Check. Intriguing twist in UnSub? Check. High creepiness factor? Double check... and shudder. I don't know if I'll ever look at wigs the same way again. Whoa.

For all those who have felt like our beloved BAU team wasn't being used effectively, or that the writers had been relying on gimmicks - such as too much Reid humor or personal story lines - lately, I invite you to complain about this episode. You'd have a pretty hard time finding anything to pick apart, frankly.

The action was high, the acting was stellar, and I can't remember the last time I cringed so long and quite that hard during a scene as I did with the wig reveal. I wanted to jump out of my skin for Helen Garrett as he placed the hair on her head. That actress really did an outstanding job conveying a similar (if stifled) sense of horror.

Hotchner Worries Over a Copycat

I admit that I had to rewind and re-watch the ending to this episode to make sure I was understanding it correctly. So, if Dylan the shuttle driver hadn't read One Thousand and One Nights, and if Helen had a knack for finding men with an evil streak, then we're left to believe that she was really behind the malevolent streaks of both her husband and the bus driver?

She brought that out of those men? Am I understanding this right? I know it's pretty unorthodox for a review to ask for clarification, but I did a double take with this one, sue me.

Influencing evil to that extent seems like a far-fetched idea, but then again, so is cutting the scalp off of women to create a wig of your victims' locks. JJ did a great job figuring that one out (and the heart thing), but it seems like they're patting her on the back a little too much lately to emphasize the fact that she deserves her new role as profiler.

We get it, she's good at her job. You don't need to make every 'a-ha' moment this season about her - we'll still love her regardless!

I thought the idea of Prentiss buying a house in one of the swankiest DC neighborhoods was an interesting development, especially since we know she's leaving soon. There was precious little Morgan and Reid this week, but Garcia really stepped up to the plate. When she wasn't dozing off, that is.

The speed with which the UnSub picked women off was impressive, and I think they effectively tapped into our underlying fear that you can literally be here one minute and gone the next if someone wills it. It's something that a lot of women (or maybe people in general) have thought about at one time or another, but when you see it play out on screen it just leaves you unsettled. Well played, writers, well played.

I'm curious to see what next week's flashback-esque episode brings, but would it be wrong of me to request a little more Reid again? I miss his quips and dry humor. But it was nice to see the team really kick around theories this week and get back to what we love about this show. Keep the good stuff coming, Criminal Minds. I'm on board.

Divining Rod Review

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Criminal Minds Season 7 Episode 21 Quotes

Agent Hotchner: He's killed at 6am, noon and 6pm.
Dr. Reid: I don't know about you guys, but I'm not feeling so good about the stroke of midnight.

Agent Hotchner: Another body's been found a half mile from the first victim's, same MO.
Agent Morgan: That's six hours later, this guy's not wasting any time.
Hotch: We land in 20 minutes. Reid, you and JJ go to the latest crime scene. Rossi, you and Prentiss talk to Garrett's widow while Morgan and I go to the prison. If Garrett's got a disciple we better find out who he is and fast.