Rizzoli & Isles Review: Men in Tights or Mennonites?

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Rizzoli & Isles returned for its winter run, and watching "Class Action Satisfaction" was like spending time with family. Sometimes you just want to hug them... and other times, not so much.

I couldn't wait to find out who the father of Lydia's baby was and I'm so grateful it was Tommy. Poppa Rizzoli turned out to be such an unreliable sleaze that I hope he's gone for good, although I doubt the rest of the family will get that lucky.

Is Jane's Mother Involved

The legal dilemma over Lydia's actions was intriguing. Although she dropped her baby on a doorstep, she left him on his family's doorstep; therefore it wasn't legally considered abandonment. And I really couldn't be angry with Lydia. She's confused and scared and her domineering mother is a lousy influence. Still, she was smart enough to recognize that the Rizzoli's would take care of her son.

They even did one better. They gushed and cuddled and rocked and cooed and basically just loved him to pieces. It was certainly enough to make you overlook the whole dropping the child off the sofa incident.

And wasn't it wonderful to see kick ass cop Jane Rizzoli in loving mother mode? One day her own kids will be very lucky to have her.

But Angela turned out to be the smartest person in the room. With talk of child support and custody battles being batted about, Angela extended an olive branch in the form of a dinner invitation and a fresh start. Because whether or not they completely trust Lydia, and no matter what they may think of her mother, TJ makes them all family.

Back at the precinct, the murder case had plenty of twists and turns. As if talk of scraping the mold off of the cream cheese weren't enough, when they found the jar of rat poison on the cafe's food prep counter I wanted to never eat out again. And Phil spitting up blood didn't exactly sell me on the turkey bacon.

Jane trying to deduce motives for murder while keeping track of the suspects coffee orders was a hoot, as she said in this Rizzoli & Isles quote

 I'll guess that wasn't sugar that double tall was pouring into five pump minty's FroCap. | permalink

No, it wasn't, and I suppose five extra pumps of chocolate could cover the taste of anything, even rat poison.

One of my favorite moments was when Korsak ran into his first wife - and didn't recognize her! Of course it had been 40 years. They were married three weeks when he was shipped out to Vietnam and she broke it off via a Dear John letter. Ouch! But after all this time Korsak had let it go. He's a good guy.

Frankie's lip reading skills ended up breaking the case even if he wasn't completely accurate. Murdered by men in tights? Mennonites? Make that a tainted vaccine that spread bacterial meningitis. 

Larry the lawyer was hysterical. How much stuff could he stuff into the back of that Cadillac?It was so nice of him to catalogue all of the evidence they'd need to convict. Of course ,there should really be a law against having such an obnoxious looking vehicle in the first place.

Rizzoli & Isles is back for the winter and despite the slushy, cold mess outside my window, this family leaves me warm and toasty. Welcome back.

Class Action Satisfaction Review

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C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Rizzoli & Isles Season 3 Episode 11 Quotes

It's weird the way she's so good with babies.


Maura: Instant! You served me instant?
Jane: I'm so tired you're lucky I didn't serve you Drano.