Pretty Little Liars Review: Revelations, Part 2

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I definitely expected things to slow down a little after last week's installment. But I was surprised by how strong this Pretty Little Liars episode was on the heels of such a huge revelation just seven days ago.

"Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Inferno" (despite having a horrible title) continued to reveal more and more to keep us interested. I definitely appreciated that the episode finally gave us some closure to some of the bigger dramas of the season (like Aria and Ezra), but unfortunately the show just can't help itself when it comes to building up the mystery of Ali and A.

I'm still entertained, but at some point, I fear that, like Spencer, I'll stop caring about what happens (or happened) to Ali.

Angry Spencer

That line was an interesting slip for Spencer. Was she really just too stressed out and emotionally devastated to differentiate between past and present tense for her deceased friend? Or is she coming to the realization about Ali that others have suspected? Or does she know something more?

I'm not sure, but the quote definitely caught my attention.

We all knew this would be a rough episode for Spencer, but I still wasn't expecting how sorry I would feel for her. She was clearly not herself, and I was surprised that none of her friends confronted her about her odd behavior. Suddenly she just didn't care about solving the A mystery or finding out what happened to Ali and then she threw some serious attitude at Aria's mother.

She began blaming the poor choices the girls made for their current predicament (something I definitely agree with) and was generally a miserable mess the whole episode.

It makes sense on one level because Toby's betrayal was one the worst things A has done, short of trying to kill the girls. Emotional pain can hurt worse than physical pain.

BUT that doesn't excuse the fact that Spencer STILL hasn't told her friends about Toby. Spencer is always the first one to accuse others of being involved with the A-team; she's personally accused practically everyone's significant others. Now that she knows that Toby is a member, doesn't she owe it to her friends to let them in on the big secret? Even if only for their own protection.

With any luck we'll get to find out soon what that private detective digs up, but we did get an interesting answer about Ali's final summer from a mysterious package and CeCe Drake's loose lips. The package was supposedly from "Nate's" family - but why would they send it to her? 

Ali's biology notebook had some interesting notes that had nothing to do with cell division. Once Emily found out that the other person writing in the notebook was CeCe, she asked some questions about Ali and the beach hottie. CeCe, rather quickly, revealed that Ali confessed that her secret beach hottie may have gotten her pregnant. Was Ali pregnant when she died? Was she really too afraid to tell the baby's father?

For the first time, Emily and Aria agreed that this information was too important to keep to themselves, so they handed it over to the police. It might have been easier decision now that Emily's mom is working there. The choice to finally cooperate might backfire however; Emily noticed a picture of Detective Wilden at Cape May, possibly from the same summer that Ali was there. Wilden has always been way too involved in Ali's case, but could he have been the beach hottie? Did he kill Ali?

In other news, the Ezra and Aria baby-mama-drama finally came to its annoying conclusion. It was a mistake for Aria to get involved in Ezra's past and then to keep his son a secret... and it finally blew up in her face.

Unfortunately for Ezria fans, it looks like this might be the end for the couple. Although Ezra claimed he wasn't upset with her, it seemed like he didn't have much faith in their relationship anymore. This might because she lied, but I think it has more to do with the fact that he has a child now. His obligation is to his son, and it's probably not the best time to carry on a relationship with a high-schooler (mostly because the only time to do that is when you're actually in high school).

Hanna was pushed to the background this episode, but she did find out about Paige and Caleb teaming up to scare off Mona. Her awkwardness at the "girl's night" was pretty annoying, but it was worth to see a jealous girlfriend throw a drink on her after calling her a "peroxide piece of trash." Ouch! That one didn't make the Pretty Little Liars quotes, but it was a good one.

As always with this show, new revelations lead to new questions. The mystery always has to thicken in order to keep the series going.  So, we'll have to deal more with Ali's pregnancy, Detective Wilden, and Paige and Caleb.

I will say that the only thing I absolutely hated tonight was the flashback to Toby and Ali. Toby is in juvenile hall - and the wardrobe department decides the best way to display this is with a do-rag?!? His attire was a laughable attempt to make him seem like a hardcore criminal in the joint and I hope they don't go there again.

Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Inferno Review

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Pretty Little Liars Season 3 Episode 17 Quotes

Ashley: Has Caleb been tangling with Mona?
Hanna: Tangling? I don't even know what that means.

Wow, that's like the world's fattest man giving dieting tips.

Hanna(to Aria)

Pretty Little Liars Season 3 Episode 17 Music

  Song Artist
Song Until It Hurts Fransisca Hall
For Feeling Tic Tic Boom! iTunes
Flick Of A Switch Secret Wish iTunes